Sometimes, it is just better to let bygones be bygones.

If a Wikipedian gets blocked or becomes unpopular amongst the community for whatever reason, it is probably a good idea not to hold it against them forever. Remember, people can change, and most of them are capable of doing so, even if it takes a long time. Of course, it is okay to have concern that they could slip back into the normal ways, but remember that you should assume good faith and remember that Wikipedia is not a place to hold grudges.

You have probably made mistakes in the past that you expect others to forgive you for. Therefore, you should also forgive others for their mistakes.

Remember - it's not about who they were before, it's about who they are now.

When this should not be used

Generally, users should not use this as a get out of jail free card. If they do, it could be a sign of gaming the system.

See also