Developer(s)MyFlickList, Inc. (founded by David Sanderson)
Initial releaseDecember 5, 2015
Stable release
3.0.4 / Jun 21, 2018
Operating systemiOS; Web; Android still being created
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Reelgood is a streaming service aggregator iOS mobile app and web service.

Users tell Reelgood the streaming services to which they subscribe, then the app accordingly tells them which movies and shows are available via those platforms.

It allows its users to customize their experience based off of the streaming services to which they subscribe and then, based on those settings, tells its users which television shows and movies they can watch for free, as well as on what service(s). Furthermore, it allows its users to keep track of the movies they want to see and have already seen, and it lets users track their favorite television shows, marking which episodes they have seen already and
