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Alex - @Henshena

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Hi Alex! Here's my peer review for you,



Tone and Balance

Sources and References

-"In the late 1990s, marriage consisted in most cases of both wife and husband participating in homemaking." (considering there's a date "1990's putting a source as evidence would be good)

-"In contrast, a study performed by Hochschild in 1989, concluded that even when wives contributed more than 50% of the household income they often still performed more household labor than their husbands.(citation) Hochschild's study directly debunked the previous theory that women performed housework because they contributed significantly less to household income. Instead, the results of the study indicated that even in marriage dynamics where women contributed more than half of the household income, they still completed the vast majority of homemaking tasks" : I would put citations after the first sentence, since there's a statistic/percentage given and last sentence b/c its talking about results from the study.

-"Married women who are economically and emotionally dependent on their husbands are less likely to report the division of household labor as unfair. This significant group of married women felt that household labor reinforced their female gender identity and connection to femininity" : I'd include at least one citation here ; also "this significant group" is a little bit vague so maybe you could identify who they group is, would be helpful to readers. Or just cite where this information is from, would be helpful.

-Homemakers may manage household workers or "domestic workers". A citation after this sentence under the "servants" section would be helpful to help identify where the term domestic workers is coming from; like which authors in your bibliography or on the original version of the article talk about or use this term?


-from the section "19th century" : "but if one only staid to think how countless and how onerous those duties really are, more respect would be paid to the faithful effort to perform the, and an added reverence extended to the mother who is also the housekeeper.": "perform the, and an added…" weird sentence structure

-could be one sentence instead of two: "The division of labor within the home promotes a healthy relationship between husband and wife. Concluding, that likelihood of increased happiness within marriage is vastly improved when homemaking is shared with the husband."

-: should probably include their first names as well for West and Zimmerman since this is the first time introducing authors? Or could say "Scholars (or "historians" if they are)  West and Zimmerman." : "West and Zimmerman, concluded an analysis of over 487 couples and found that "women were rewarded for performing feminine behaviors, such as housework, whereas men receive positive reinforcement for engaging in masculine tasks, such breadwinning.""

Overall impressions

Additional Questions
