1. Abd al-Latif (Death date)
  2. Akhmat Khan (Death date)
  3. Albert Berdini of Sarteano (Death date)
  4. Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan (Death date)
  5. Anne of Burgundy (Death date)
  6. Beatrix da Silva (Death date)
  7. Blanche of England (Death date)
  8. Christian I of Denmark (Death date)
  9. Constance of York (Death date)
  10. Didacus of Alcalá (Death date)
  11. Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York (Death date)
  12. Elizabeth Plantagenet, Duchess of Exeter (Death date)
  13. Frances of Rome (Death date)
  14. Geoffrey Chaucer (Death date)
  15. Henry Beaufort (Death date)
  16. Ingram Lindsay (Death date)
  17. Isabel Plantagenet (Death date)
  18. Jacquetta of Luxembourg (Death date)
  19. James III of Scotland (Death date)
  20. James of the Marches (Death date)
  21. Jan Hus (Death date)
  22. Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland (Death date)
  23. Joan of Arc (Death date)
  24. Joanna of Navarre (Death date)
  25. Jogaila (Death date)
  26. Johannes Gutenberg (Death date)
  27. John Fordham (Death date)
  28. John de Winchester (Death date)
  29. Katarina Kosača-Kotromanić (Death date)
  30. Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Somerset (Death date)
  31. Murdoch Stewart, Duke of Albany (Death date)
  32. Philippa de Mohun (Death date)
  33. Pope Boniface IX (Death date)
  34. Pope Eugene IV (Death date)
  35. Pope Gregory XII (Death date)
  36. Pope Innocent VII (Death date)
  37. Pope Innocent VIII (Death date)
  38. Pope Martin V (Death date)
  39. Richard Courtenay (Death date)
  40. Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge (Death date)
  41. Rita of Cascia (Death date)
  42. Robert III of Scotland (Death date)
  43. Robert Stewart, Duke of Albany (Death date)
  44. Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter (Death date)
  45. Thomas Spens (Death date)
  46. Alexis Falconieri (Death date)
  47. Andrew Corsini (Death date)
  48. Angela of Foligno (Death date)
  49. Blanche of Artois (Death date)
  50. Catherine of Vadstena (Death date)
  51. Clare of Montefalco (Death date)
  52. Clare of Rimini (Death date)
  53. Conrad of Offida (Death date)
  54. Conrad of Piacenza (Death date)
  55. Eleanor de Bohun (Death date)
  56. Geoffrey Chaucer (Death date)
  57. Guy de Beauchamp, 10th Earl of Warwick (Death date)
  58. Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Lancaster (Death date)
  59. , 14th-century deaths from bubonic plague Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster (Death date)
  60. Infanta Constance of Castile (Death date)
  61. Infanta Isabella of Castile (Death date)
  62. Isabella of France (Death date)
  63. Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria (Death date)
  64. Ivan I of Moscow (Death date)
  65. Ivan Shishman of Bulgaria (Death date)
  66. Joan of Acre (Death date)
  67. , 14th-century deaths from bubonic plague Joan of England (1335–1348) (Death date)
  68. Joan of Lancaster (Death date)
  69. John I of France (Death date)
  70. John VI Kantakouzenos (Death date)
  71. John V Palaiologos (Death date)
  72. John Wycliffe (Death date)
  73. John of Nepomuk (Death date)
  74. Leo V, King of Armenia (Death date)
  75. Leonor Telles de Menezes (Death date)
  76. Magnus IV of Sweden (Death date)
  77. Margaret, Duchess of Norfolk (Death date)
  78. , 14th-century deaths from bubonic plague Margaret Wake, 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell (Death date)
  79. Margareta Ebner (Death date)
  80. Marguerite Porete (Death date)
  81. Marguerite of France (died 1318) (Death date)
  82. Mary de Bohun (Death date)
  83. Odoric of Pordenone (Death date)
  84. Olav IV of Norway (Death date)
  85. Philip VI of France (Death date)
  86. Pope Benedict XI (Death date)
  87. Pope Benedict XII (Death date)
  88. Pope Boniface VIII (Death date)
  89. Pope Clement V (Death date)
  90. Pope Clement VI (Death date)
  91. Pope Gregory XI (Death date)
  92. Pope Innocent VI (Death date)
  93. Pope John XXII (Death date)
  94. Pope Urban V (Death date)
  95. Pope Urban VI (Death date)
  96. Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale (Death date)
  97. Thomas Plantagenet, 2nd Earl of Lancaster (Death date)
  98. Valdemar IV of Denmark (Death date)
  99. William Montagu, 1st Earl of Salisbury (Death date)
  100. William Wallace (Death date)
  101. Adolf of Osnabrück (Death date)
  102. Agnellus of Pisa (Death date)
  103. Agnes of Assisi (Death date)
  104. Albert of Louvain (Death date)
  105. Albertus Magnus (Death date)
  106. Anthony of Padua (Death date)
  107. Berard of Carbio (Death date)
  108. Berengaria of Navarre (Death date)
  109. Blanche of Artois (Death date)
  110. Bonaventure (Death date)
  111. Christina the Astonishing (Death date)
  112. Constance, Duchess of Brittany (Death date)
  113. Daniel and Companions (Death date)
  114. Edmund Rich (Death date)
  115. Eleanor, Fair Maid of Brittany (Death date)
  116. Eleanor of Aquitaine (Death date)
  117. Eleanor of Castile (Death date)
  118. Eleanor of England (Death date)
  119. Engelbert II of Berg (Death date)
  120. Eric II of Norway (Death date)
  121. Fujiwara no Teika (Death date)
  122. Gilbert de Clare, 5th Earl of Hertford (Death date)
  123. Haakon IV of Norway (Death date)
  124. Hedwig of Andechs (Death date)
  125. Hugh of Lincoln (Death date)
  126. Inge II of Norway (Death date)
  127. Isabel, Countess of Gloucester (Death date)
  128. Isabella of Angoulême (Death date)
  129. Isabella of England (Death date)
  130. Ivan Asen II of Bulgaria (Death date)
  131. John I, Count of Holland (Death date)
  132. Kinga of Poland (Death date)
  133. Lembitu of Lehola (Death date)
  134. Louis IX of France (Death date)
  135. Luchesio Modestini (Death date)
  136. Magnus VI of Norway (Death date)
  137. Michael VIII Palaiologos (Death date)
  138. Pope Adrian V (Death date)
  139. Pope Alexander IV (Death date)
  140. Pope Celestine IV (Death date)
  141. Pope Celestine V (Death date)
  142. Pope Clement IV (Death date)
  143. Pope Gregory IX (Death date)
  144. Pope Gregory X (Death date)
  145. Pope Honorius III (Death date)
  146. Pope Honorius IV (Death date)
  147. Pope Innocent III (Death date)
  148. Pope Innocent IV (Death date)
  149. Pope Innocent V (Death date)
  150. Pope John XXI (Death date)
  151. Pope Martin IV (Death date)
  152. Pope Nicholas III (Death date)
  153. Pope Urban IV (Death date)
  154. Raymond Nonnatus (Death date)
  155. Richard de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford (Death date)
  156. Robert de Brus, 5th Lord of Annandale (Death date)
  157. Roger of Wendover (Death date)
  158. Saint Sava (Death date)
  159. Sanchia of Provence (Death date)
  160. Sverre of Norway (Death date)
  161. Theobald of Marly (Death date)
  162. Theodore II Laskaris (Death date)
  163. William I, Count of Holland (Death date)
  164. William I of Scotland (Death date)
  165. Wincenty Kadłubek (Death date)
  166. Zita (Death date)
  167. Adela of Normandy (Death date)
  168. Afonso I of Portugal (Death date)
  169. Ailred of Rievaulx (Death date)
  170. Alberic of Citeaux (Death date)
  171. 1 Albert of Louvain (Death date)
  172. Alexander I of Scotland (Death date)
  173. Anselm of Canterbury (Death date)
  174. Benno (Death date)
  175. Bernard of Clairvaux (Death date)
  176. Bertha de Bardi (Death date)
  177. Bruno (Bishop of Segni) (Death date)
  178. David I of Scotland (Death date)
  179. Dirk VI, Count of Holland (Death date)
  180. Edgar of Scotland (Death date)
  181. Eustace IV, Count of Boulogne (Death date)
  182. Godric of Finchale (Death date)
  183. Haakon II of Norway (Death date)
  184. Henry I of England (Death date)
  185. Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor (Death date)
  186. Henry the Lion (Death date)
  187. Hugh of Lincoln (Death date)
  188. Inge I of Norway (Death date)
  189. Joan of England, Queen of Sicily (Death date)
  190. Jocelin (Bishop of Glasgow) (Death date)
  191. John II Komnenos (Death date)
  192. Lorcán Ua Tuathail (Death date)
  193. Louis VII of France (Death date)
  194. Magnus V of Norway (Death date)
  195. Malcolm IV of Scotland (Death date)
  196. Matilda of Boulogne (Death date)
  197. Matilda of England, Duchess of Saxony (Death date)
  198. Pope Adrian IV (Death date)
  199. Pope Alexander III (Death date)
  200. Pope Anastasius IV (Death date)
  201. Pope Callixtus II (Death date)
  202. Pope Celestine II (Death date)
  203. Pope Celestine III (Death date)
  204. Pope Eugene III (Death date)
  205. Pope Gelasius II (Death date)
  206. Pope Gregory VIII (Death date)
  207. Pope Honorius II (Death date)
  208. Pope Innocent II (Death date)
  209. Pope Lucius II (Death date)
  210. Pope Lucius III (Death date)
  211. Pope Paschal II (Death date)
  212. Pope Urban III (Death date)
  213. Richard de Clare, 1st Earl of Hertford (Death date)
  214. Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke (Death date)
  215. Robert Curthose (Death date)
  216. Robert of Molesme (Death date)
  217. Sigurd II of Norway (Death date)
  218. Stephen of England (Death date)
  219. Thomas Becket (Death date)
  220. Waltheof of Melrose (Death date)
  221. William Adelin (Death date)
  222. William I, Count of Boulogne (Death date)
  223. William II of England (Death date)
  224. William of Tyre (Death date)
  225. Abbo of Fleury (Death date)
  226. Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich (Death date)
  227. Alfwold (Death date)
  228. Anno II (Archbishop of Cologne) (Death date)
  229. Anselm of Lucca (Death date)
  230. Arialdo (Death date)
  231. Bagrat III of Georgia (Death date)
  232. Bernward of Hildesheim (Death date)
  233. Bruno (Bishop of Würzburg) (Death date)
  234. Bruno of Querfurt (Death date)
  235. Bystrík (Death date)
  236. Canute IV of Denmark (Death date)
  237. Coloman of Stockerau (Death date)
  238. Dirk III, Count of Holland (Death date)
  239. Dirk IV, Count of Holland (Death date)
  240. Dominic of Silos (Death date)
  241. Duncan II of Scotland (Death date)
  242. Edmund Ironside (Death date)
  243. Edward the Confessor (Death date)
  244. Ethelred the Unready (Death date)
  245. Floris I, Count of Holland (Death date)
  246. Gaudentius of Ossero (Death date)
  247. Harold Godwinson (Death date)
  248. Harold Harefoot (Death date)
  249. Harthacnut (Death date)
  250. Hugh Magnus of France (Death date)
  251. Kenneth III of Scotland (Death date)
  252. Lulach of Scotland (Death date)
  253. Macbeth of Scotland (Death date)
  254. Magnus I of Norway (Death date)
  255. Malcolm III of Scotland (Death date)
  256. Malcolm II of Scotland (Death date)
  257. Olaf II of Norway (Death date)
  258. Pope Alexander II (Death date)
  259. 11th-century deaths Pope Benedict IX (Death date)
  260. Pope Benedict VIII (Death date)
  261. Pope Clement II (Death date)
  262. Pope Damasus II (Death date)
  263. Pope Gregory VII (Death date)
  264. Pope Nicholas II (Death date)
  265. Pope Sergius IV (Death date)
  266. Pope Stephen IX (Death date)
  267. Pope Sylvester II (Death date)
  268. Pope Urban II (Death date)
  269. Pope Victor II (Death date)
  270. Pope Victor III (Death date)
  271. Richard III, Duke of Normandy (Death date)
  272. Richeza of Lotharingia (Death date)
  273. Saint Emeric of Hungary (Death date)
  274. Samuel of Bulgaria (Death date)
  275. Sweyn Forkbeard (Death date)
  276. Theobald of Provins (Death date)
  277. William II of England (Death date)
  278. William I of England (Death date)
  279. Adelaide of Italy (Death date)
  280. Athelstan of England (Death date)
  281. Clement of Ohrid (Death date)
  282. Dirk II, Count of Holland (Death date)
  283. Eadred of England (Death date)
  284. Eadwig of England (Death date)
  285. Edgar the Peaceful (Death date)
  286. Edmund I of England (Death date)
  287. Edward the Elder (Death date)
  288. Edward the Martyr (Death date)
  289. Flann Sinna (Death date)
  290. Hugh Capet (Death date)
  291. Ludmila of Bohemia (Death date)
  292. , Patriarch Eutychius of Alexandria (Death date)
  293. Pope Benedict V (Death date)
  294. Pope Benedict VII (Death date)
  295. Pope Gregory V (Death date)
  296. Pope John XII (Death date)
  297. Pope John XIII (Death date)
  298. Pope John XIV (Death date)
  299. Pope Leo VII (Death date)
  300. Pope Sergius III (Death date)
  301. Rudolph of France (Death date)
  302. Simeon I of Bulgaria (Death date)
  303. Ulrich of Augsburg (Death date)
  304. Ælfweard of Wessex (Death date)
  305. Adalard of Corbie (Death date)
  306. Aldric of Le Mans (Death date)
  307. Alfred the Great (Death date)
  308. Angilbert (Death date)
  309. Ansegisus (Death date)
  310. Benedict of Aniane (Death date)
  311. Domnall mac Ailpín (Death date)
  312. Edmund the Martyr (Death date)
  313. Kenneth MacAlpin (Death date)
  314. Krum (Death date)
  315. Pope Adrian II (Death date)
  316. Pope Benedict III (Death date)
  317. Pope Eugene II (Death date)
  318. Pope Formosus (Death date)
  319. Pope Gregory IV (Death date)
  320. Pope John VIII (Death date)
  321. Pope Leo III (Death date)
  322. Pope Leo IV (Death date)
  323. Pope Marinus I (Death date)
  324. Pope Nicholas I (Death date)
  325. Pope Paschal I (Death date)
  326. Pope Sergius II (Death date)
  327. Pope Stephen IV (Death date)
  328. Pope Stephen V (Death date)
  329. Pope Valentine (Death date)
  330. , Saints Cyril and Methodius (Death date)
  331. Simpert (Death date)
  332. Swithun (Death date)
  333. Æthelbald of Wessex (Death date)
  334. Óengus of Tallaght (Death date)
  335. Acca of Hexham (Death date)
  336. Alcmund of Hexham (Death date)
  337. Baldred of Tyninghame (Death date)
  338. Bede (Death date)
  339. Chrodegang of Metz (Death date)
  340. , 8th-century deaths Edburga of Minster-in-Thanet (Death date)
  341. Fulrad (Death date)
  342. Hubertus (Death date)
  343. John of Damascus (Death date)
  344. Pope Adrian I (Death date)
  345. Pope Constantine (Death date)
  346. Pope Gregory III (Death date)
  347. Pope John VII (Death date)
  348. Pope Paul I (Death date)
  349. Pope Sergius I (Death date)
  350. Pope Sisinnius (Death date)
  351. Pope Stephen II (Death date)
  352. Pope Stephen III (Death date)
  353. Pope Zachary (Death date)
  354. Rupert of Salzburg (Death date)
  355. Saint Boniface (Death date)
  356. Saint Erentrude (Death date)
  357. Saint Pirmin (Death date)
  358. Willehad of Bremen (Death date)
  359. Willibrord (Death date)
  360. Albert III, Duke of Saxony (Birth date)
  361. Anne Neville (Birth date)
  362. Anne Neville, 16th Countess of Warwick (Birth date)
  363. Anne de Mortimer (Birth date)
  364. Anne de Mowbray, 8th Countess of Norfolk (Birth date)
  365. Anne of Gloucester (Birth date)
  366. Anne of York, Duchess of Exeter (Birth date)
  367. Antoninus of Florence (Birth date)
  368. Casimir IV Jagiellon (Birth date)
  369. Catherine of Bologna (Birth date)
  370. Catherine of Valois (Birth date)
  371. Cecily Neville (Birth date)
  372. Charles, Prince of Viana (Birth date)
  373. Charles VIII of France (Birth date)
  374. Charles VII of France (Birth date)
  375. Charles VI of France (Birth date)
  376. Charles the Bold (Birth date)
  377. Cosimo de' Medici (Birth date)
  378. Edmund, Earl of Rutland (Birth date)
  379. Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York (Birth date)
  380. Edward IV of England (Birth date)
  381. Edward Plantagenet, 17th Earl of Warwick (Birth date)
  382. Edward of Portugal (Birth date)
  383. Ernest, Elector of Saxony (Birth date)
  384. Francis II, Duke of Brittany (Birth date)
  385. Frederick I, Elector of Saxony (Birth date)
  386. Frederick II, Elector of Saxony (Birth date)
  387. George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence (Birth date)
  388. Gilles de Rais (Birth date)
  389. Giovanni da Capistrano (Birth date)
  390. Giovanni de' Medici (1421-1463) (Birth date)
  391. Giovanni de' Medici il Popolano (Birth date)
  392. Henry 'Hotspur' Percy (Birth date)
  393. Henry IV of England (Birth date)
  394. Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland (Birth date)
  395. Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland (Birth date)
  396. Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland (Birth date)
  397. Henry V of England (Birth date)
  398. Henry the Navigator (Birth date)
  399. Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (Birth date)
  400. Isabella, Princess of Asturias (1470–1498) (Birth date)
  401. Isabella Plantagenet, Duchess of Clarence (Birth date)
  402. Isabella of Valois (Birth date)
  403. Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut (Birth date)
  404. James II of Scotland (Birth date)
  405. James I of Scotland (Birth date)
  406. Jianwen Emperor (Birth date)
  407. John Cantius (Birth date)
  408. John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford (Birth date)
  409. Juan, Prince of Asturias (Birth date)
  410. Julian of Norwich (Birth date)
  411. Katherine Swynford (Birth date)
  412. Katherine of Lancaster (Birth date)
  413. Lorenzo Giustiniani (Birth date)
  414. Lorenzo de' Medici (Birth date)
  415. Louis XI of France (Birth date)
  416. Margaret of Anjou (Birth date)
  417. Marie of Anjou (Birth date)
  418. Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (Birth date)
  419. Philippa of England (Birth date)
  420. Philippa of Lancaster (Birth date)
  421. Piero di Cosimo de' Medici (Birth date)
  422. Pope Callixtus III (Birth date)
  423. Pope Nicholas V (Birth date)
  424. Pope Paul II (Birth date)
  425. Pope Pius II (Birth date)
  426. Pope Sixtus IV (Birth date)
  427. René of Anjou (Birth date)
  428. Richard III of England (Birth date)
  429. Richard II of England (Birth date)
  430. Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick (Birth date)
  431. Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York (Birth date)
  432. Saint Casimir (Birth date)
  433. Saint Colette (Birth date)
  434. Sejong the Great (Birth date)
  435. Taejo of Joseon (Birth date)
  436. Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence (Birth date)
  437. Vasily II of Moscow (Birth date)
  438. Vasily I of Moscow (Birth date)
  439. Vincent Ferrer (Birth date)
  440. Władysław III of Poland (Birth date)
  441. Yongle Emperor (Birth date)
  442. Alice Plantagenet, 4th Countess of Lincoln (Birth date)
  443. , 14th-century deaths from bubonic plague Anne of Bohemia (Birth date)
  444. Beatrice of Castile (1293–1359) (Birth date)
  445. , 14th-century deaths from bubonic plague Blanche of Lancaster (Birth date)
  446. Cansignorio della Scala (Birth date)
  447. Casimir III the Great (Birth date)
  448. Charles V of France (Birth date)
  449. David II of Scotland (Birth date)
  450. Dmitry Donskoy (Birth date)
  451. Edmund, 2nd Earl of Cornwall (Birth date)
  452. Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent (Birth date)
  453. Edward, the Black Prince (Birth date)
  454. Edward III of England (Birth date)
  455. Edward II of England (Birth date)
  456. Edward I of England (Birth date)
  457. Eleanor of Lancaster (Birth date)
  458. Eleanor of Woodstock (Birth date)
  459. Elisabeth Richeza of Poland (Birth date)
  460. Elisabeth of Meissen (Birth date)
  461. Elizabeth de Burgh, 4th Countess of Ulster (Birth date)
  462. Elizabeth of Rhuddlan (Birth date)
  463. Frederick II, Margrave of Meissen (Birth date)
  464. Frederick III, Landgrave of Thuringia (Birth date)
  465. Gertrude the Great (Birth date)
  466. Hongwu Emperor (Birth date)
  467. 14th-century deaths Isabella de Coucy (Birth date)
  468. Ivan II of Moscow (Birth date)
  469. Jeanne I, Countess of Auvergne (Birth date)
  470. Jeanne II, Countess of Burgundy (Birth date)
  471. Joan I of Navarre (Birth date)
  472. Joan of Kent (Birth date)
  473. Joan of The Tower (Birth date)
  474. John II of France (Birth date)
  475. John I of France (Birth date)
  476. John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall (Birth date)
  477. John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster (Birth date)
  478. Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence (Birth date)
  479. Marco Polo (Birth date)
  480. 14th-century deaths Margaret Plantagenet (Birth date)
  481. Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Pembroke (Birth date)
  482. Maria of Brabant (Birth date)
  483. Mary Plantagenet (Birth date)
  484. Maud Chaworth (Birth date)
  485. Petrarch (Birth date)
  486. Philippa Plantagenet, 5th Countess of Ulster (Birth date)
  487. Philippa of Hainault (Birth date)
  488. Richard II of England (Birth date)
  489. Robert I of Scotland (Birth date)
  490. Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale (Birth date)
  491. Roger Mortimer, 4th Earl of March (Birth date)
  492. Thomas of Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfolk (Birth date)
  493. Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester (Birth date)
  494. Alexander III of Scotland (Birth date)
  495. Alexander Nevsky (Birth date)
  496. Alphonso, Earl of Chester (Birth date)
  497. Ambrose of Siena (Birth date)
  498. Arthur I, Duke of Brittany (Birth date)
  499. Blanche of Castile (Birth date)
  500. Charles I of Naples (Birth date)
  501. Clare of Assisi (Birth date)
  502. Dietrich I, Margrave of Meissen (Birth date)
  503. Dōgen (Birth date)
  504. Edmund, 2nd Earl of Cornwall (Birth date)
  505. Edmund Crouchback, 1st Earl of Lancaster (Birth date)
  506. Eisai (Birth date)
  507. Eleanor of England (1269–1298) (Birth date)
  508. Elisabeth of Hungary (Birth date)
  509. Felix of Valois (Birth date)
  510. Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (Birth date)
  511. Henry III of England (Birth date)
  512. Henry of Almain (Birth date)
  513. Hōnen (Birth date)
  514. Isabel Marshal (Birth date)
  515. Joan of England, Queen Consort of Scotland (Birth date)
  516. John of England (Birth date)
  517. Leonora of England (Birth date)
  518. Louis IX of France (Birth date)
  519. Louis VIII of France (Birth date)
  520. Margaret of England (Birth date)
  521. Philip Benizi de Damiani (Birth date)
  522. Philip III of France (Birth date)
  523. Philip II of France (Birth date)
  524. Pope Nicholas IV (Birth date)
  525. Przemysł II (Birth date)
  526. Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall (Birth date)
  527. Sancho I of Portugal (Birth date)
  528. Shinran (Birth date)
  529. William of Donjeon (Birth date)
  530. Afonso I of Portugal (Birth date)
  531. Emperor Gaozong of Song (Birth date)
  532. Emperor Xiaozong of Song (Birth date)
  533. Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany (Birth date)
  534. Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou (Birth date)
  535. Henry II of England (Birth date)
  536. Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor (Birth date)
  537. Henry the Young King (Birth date)
  538. Isabelle of Hainaut (Birth date)
  539. Louis VI of France (Birth date)
  540. Philip I of France (Birth date)
  541. Philip of France (1116–1131) (Birth date)
  542. Richard I of England (Birth date)
  543. William Clito (Birth date)
  544. William FitzEmpress (Birth date)
  545. William Fitz Robert, 2nd Earl of Gloucester (Birth date)
  546. William IX, Count of Poitiers (Birth date)
  547. Charles the Simple (Death date and age)
  548. Ealhswith (Death date and age)
  549. Emperor Taizu of Song (Death date and age)
  550. Robert I of France (Death date and age)
  551. Taejo of Goryeo (Death date and age)
  552. Godwin, Earl of Wessex (Death date and age)
  553. Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor (Death date and age)
  554. Henry I of France (Death date and age)
  555. Ladislaus I of Hungary (Death date and age)
  556. Pope Leo IX (Death date and age)
  557. Robert II of France (Death date and age)
  558. Adeliza of Leuven (Death date and age)
  559. Afonso I of Portugal (Death date and age)
  560. Anselm of Canterbury (Death date and age)
  561. Baldwin III of Jerusalem (Death date and age)
  562. Baldwin I of Jerusalem (Death date and age)
  563. Emperor Gaozong of Song (Death date and age)
  564. Emperor Xiaozong of Song (Death date and age)
  565. Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany (Death date and age)
  566. Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou (Death date and age)
  567. Henry II of England (Death date and age)
  568. Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor (Death date and age)
  569. Henry the Young King (Death date and age)
  570. Hildegard of Bingen (Death date and age)
  571. Isabelle of Hainaut (Death date and age)
  572. Louis VI of France (Death date and age)
  573. Matilda of Scotland (Death date and age)
  574. Melisende of Jerusalem (Death date and age)
  575. Philip I of France (Death date and age)
  576. Philip of France (1116–1131) (Death date and age)
  577. Richard I of England (Death date and age)
  578. Stefan Nemanja (Death date and age)
  579. Thomas Becket (Death date and age)
  580. William Clito (Death date and age)
  581. William FitzEmpress (Death date and age)
  582. William Fitz Robert, 2nd Earl of Gloucester (Death date and age)
  583. Alexander III of Scotland (Death date and age)
  584. Alexander Nevsky (Death date and age)
  585. Alphonso, Earl of Chester (Death date and age)
  586. Blanche of Castile (Death date and age)
  587. Charles I of Naples (Death date and age)
  588. Clare of Assisi (Death date and age)
  589. Dietrich I, Margrave of Meissen (Death date and age)
  590. Dōgen (Death date and age)
  591. Edmund Crouchback, 1st Earl of Lancaster (Death date and age)
  592. Eisai (Death date and age)
  593. Eleanor of England (1269–1298) (Death date and age)
  594. Elisabeth of Hungary (Death date and age)
  595. Felix of Valois (Death date and age)
  596. Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (Death date and age)
  597. Henry III of England (Death date and age)
  598. Henry of Almain (Death date and age)
  599. Hōnen (Death date and age)
  600. Isabel Marshal (Death date and age)
  601. Joan of England, Queen Consort of Scotland (Death date and age)
  602. John of England (Death date and age)
  603. Kublai Khan (Death date and age)
  604. Leonora of England (Death date and age)
  605. Louis IX of France (Death date and age)
  606. Louis VIII of France (Death date and age)
  607. Margaret of England (Death date and age)
  608. Philip Benizi de Damiani (Death date and age)
  609. Philip III of France (Death date and age)
  610. Philip II of France (Death date and age)
  611. Pope Nicholas IV (Death date and age)
  612. Przemysł II (Death date and age)
  613. Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall (Death date and age)
  614. Shinran (Death date and age)
  615. Stefan Nemanjić (Death date and age)
  616. Thomas Aquinas (Death date and age)
  617. William of Donjeon (Death date and age)
  618. Alice Plantagenet, 4th Countess of Lincoln (Death date and age)
  619. , 14th-century deaths from bubonic plague Anne of Bohemia (Death date and age)
  620. Beatrice of Castile (1293–1359) (Death date and age)
  621. , 14th-century deaths from bubonic plague Blanche of Lancaster (Death date and age)
  622. Cansignorio della Scala (Death date and age)
  623. Casimir III the Great (Death date and age)
  624. Charles V of France (Death date and age)
  625. David II of Scotland (Death date and age)
  626. Dmitry Donskoy (Death date and age)
  627. Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent (Death date and age)
  628. Edward, the Black Prince (Death date and age)
  629. Edward III of England (Death date and age)
  630. Edward II of England (Death date and age)
  631. Edward I of England (Death date and age)
  632. Eleanor of Lancaster (Death date and age)
  633. Eleanor of Woodstock (Death date and age)
  634. Elisabeth Richeza of Poland (Death date and age)
  635. Elisabeth of Meissen (Death date and age)
  636. Elizabeth de Burgh, 4th Countess of Ulster (Death date and age)
  637. Elizabeth of Rhuddlan (Death date and age)
  638. Frederick II, Margrave of Meissen (Death date and age)
  639. Frederick III, Landgrave of Thuringia (Death date and age)
  640. Gertrude the Great (Death date and age)
  641. Giovanni Boccaccio (Death date and age)
  642. Hongwu Emperor (Death date and age)
  643. Inês de Castro (Death date and age)
  644. Ivan II of Moscow (Death date and age)
  645. Jeanne I, Countess of Auvergne (Death date and age)
  646. Jeanne II, Countess of Burgundy (Death date and age)
  647. Joan I of Navarre (Death date and age)
  648. Joan of Kent (Death date and age)
  649. Joan of The Tower (Death date and age)
  650. , 14th-century deaths from bubonic plague Joan the Lame (Death date and age)
  651. John II of France (Death date and age)
  652. John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall (Death date and age)
  653. John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster (Death date and age)
  654. Lazar of Serbia (Death date and age)
  655. Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence (Death date and age)
  656. Maria of Brabant (Death date and age)
  657. Petrarch (Death date and age)
  658. Philip IV of France (Death date and age)
  659. Philippa Plantagenet, 5th Countess of Ulster (Death date and age)
  660. Philippa of Hainault (Death date and age)
  661. Richard II of England (Death date and age)
  662. Robert II of Scotland (Death date and age)
  663. Robert I of Scotland (Death date and age)
  664. Roger Mortimer, 4th Earl of March (Death date and age)
  665. Stefan Uroš III Dečanski of Serbia (Death date and age)
  666. Stefan Uroš II Milutin of Serbia (Death date and age)
  667. Thomas of Brotherton, 1st Earl of Norfolk (Death date and age)
  668. Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester (Death date and age)
  669. Afonso V of Portugal (Death date and age)
  670. Albert III, Duke of Saxony (Death date and age)
  671. Anne Neville (Death date and age)
  672. Anne Neville, 16th Countess of Warwick (Death date and age)
  673. Anne de Mortimer (Death date and age)
  674. Anne de Mowbray, 8th Countess of Norfolk (Death date and age)
  675. Anne of Gloucester (Death date and age)
  676. Antoninus of Florence (Death date and age)
  677. Casimir IV Jagiellon (Death date and age)
  678. Catherine of Bologna (Death date and age)
  679. Catherine of Valois (Death date and age)
  680. Cecily Neville (Death date and age)
  681. Charles, Prince of Viana (Death date and age)
  682. Charles VIII of France (Death date and age)
  683. Charles VII of France (Death date and age)
  684. Charles VI of France (Death date and age)
  685. Charles the Bold (Death date and age)
  686. Cosimo de' Medici (Death date and age)
  687. Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York (Death date and age)
  688. Edward IV of England (Death date and age)
  689. Edward of Portugal (Death date and age)
  690. Ernest, Elector of Saxony (Death date and age)
  691. Francis II, Duke of Brittany (Death date and age)
  692. Frederick I, Elector of Saxony (Death date and age)
  693. Frederick II, Elector of Saxony (Death date and age)
  694. George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence (Death date and age)
  695. Gilles de Rais (Death date and age)
  696. Giovanni Dominici (Death date and age)
  697. Giovanni da Capistrano (Death date and age)
  698. Giovanni de' Medici (1421-1463) (Death date and age)
  699. Giovanni de' Medici il Popolano (Death date and age)
  700. Henry 'Hotspur' Percy (Death date and age)
  701. Henry IV of England (Death date and age)
  702. Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland (Death date and age)
  703. Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland (Death date and age)
  704. Henry Percy, 3rd Earl of Northumberland (Death date and age)
  705. Henry V of England (Death date and age)
  706. Henry the Navigator (Death date and age)
  707. Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (Death date and age)
  708. Infanta Isabel, Duchess of Burgundy (Death date and age)
  709. Isabella, Princess of Asturias (1470–1498) (Death date and age)
  710. Isabella Plantagenet, Duchess of Clarence (Death date and age)
  711. Isabella of Valois (Death date and age)
  712. Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut (Death date and age)
  713. James II of Scotland (Death date and age)
  714. James I of Scotland (Death date and age)
  715. Jan Hus (Death date and age)
  716. Jianwen Emperor (Death date and age)
  717. John Cantius (Death date and age)
  718. John II of Portugal (Death date and age)
  719. John I of Portugal (Death date and age)
  720. John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford (Death date and age)
  721. Juan, Prince of Asturias (Death date and age)
  722. Katherine Swynford (Death date and age)
  723. Katherine of Lancaster (Death date and age)
  724. Lorenzo Giustiniani (Death date and age)
  725. Lorenzo de' Medici (Death date and age)
  726. Louis XI of France (Death date and age)
  727. Margaret of Anjou (Death date and age)
  728. Mary of Burgundy (Death date and age)
  729. Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (Death date and age)
  730. Philippa of England (Death date and age)
  731. Philippa of Lancaster (Death date and age)
  732. Piero di Cosimo de' Medici (Death date and age)
  733. Pope Callixtus III (Death date and age)
  734. Pope Nicholas V (Death date and age)
  735. Pope Paul II (Death date and age)
  736. Pope Pius II (Death date and age)
  737. Pope Sixtus IV (Death date and age)
  738. René of Anjou (Death date and age)
  739. Richard III of England (Death date and age)
  740. Richard II of England (Death date and age)
  741. Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick (Death date and age)
  742. Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York (Death date and age)
  743. Saint Casimir (Death date and age)
  744. Saint Colette (Death date and age)
  745. Sejong the Great (Death date and age)
  746. Taejo of Joseon (Death date and age)
  747. Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence (Death date and age)
  748. Vasily II of Moscow (Death date and age)
  749. Vasily I of Moscow (Death date and age)
  750. Vincent Ferrer (Death date and age)
  751. Władysław III of Poland (Death date and age)
  752. Yongle Emperor (Death date and age)