See Wikipedia:Ambassadors/Steering Committee/2011-05-06 for backround

merger of the university-part of SUP with Wikipedia:Ambassadors/Courses and establish WIkipedia:School projects under the roof of the Wikipedia:WikiProject Classroom coordination. a joint page Wikipedia:Educational assignments could ensure an overview and delegate the user in the direction, he is interested in

  • clear structures
  • reflects different learning environment in school/higher education
  • gets rid of some redundant on wiki-structures
  • can prearrange the system for the more global approach regarding a higher volume of school project output
  • the school projects/ambassador projects in higher education aren't defined and (often) not factual on the ground

WP:SUP simply integrates the established Wikipedia:Ambassadors/Courses-list via template

  • a joint page for all practical educational outreach activities, that provide base informations regarding all possible processes, would be maintained
  • no need for re-structuring of the wikipedia name space
  • it's unclear whether or not the established ambassador structures would have to move to a US-specific WPNS-lemma
  • doesn't reflect qualitative differences regarding community support
  • doesn't reflect the progress we made between 2009 and 2011