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Autonomous Dynamic Feeder Reconfiguration System: The intended system will dynamically collect data from distribution feeders and, in case of a fault, will automatically isolate the fault and restore electric service using available capacity from adjacent feeders. The unique concept of this design is the real time determination and transfer of available capacity from adjacent feeders. This is capacity that is normally not utilized with conventional (manual) load transfer schemes.

The East China Power Grid is the largest regional grid in China, which consists of 5

provincial/metropolis grids, namely Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui and Shanghai. This regional grid is interconnected with the Central China Power Grid through 2 HVDC lines. In 2006 it has a total of

5000 buses and 460 generators with a peak load of 107 GW.

The HVDC and UHVDC projects, which are in construction or in planning, are as follows:

(1) The second ±500 kV HVDC project from Guizhou province to Guangdong province in South China, with transmission capacity 3000MW, and it will be available in 2007.
(3) the back to back ±500 kV DC project between North-east power grid and North power grid, with transmission capacity 1500MW, and it be available around 2008.
(4) The project of ±500 kV HVDC from Ningxia in North-west China to Tianjing in North China, the transmission capacity is 3000MW, and it will be available around 2008.
(5) The project of two ±500 kV HVDC on one tower from Central China to East China, the transmission capacity is 6000MW, and it will be available around 2009.
(6) ±500 kV HVDC project from Hulunbeier Coal base in Hailongjiang province to Liaoning province in North-East China, the transmission capacity is 3000MW, and it will be available around 2009-2010.
(7) ±800 kV UHVDC project from Yunnan province to Guangdong province in South China, with transmission capacity 5000MW, and it will be available around 2009-2010.
(8) There will be three ±800 kV UHVDC project for Xiluodu and Xiangjiaba hydro power station in south-west China, in which two wii go to East China and one to Central-China, the transmission capacity of each project is 6400MW, and it will be available from 2011 to 2016.
(9) ±800 kV UHVDC project from Jingping hydro power station in south-west China to East China, the transmission capacity is 6400MW, and it will be available around 2013.
(10) There will be ±800 kV UHVDC project for Hulunbeier Coal base, in which one wii go to Liaoning province in North-East China, and another to North China, the transmission capacity of each project is

6400MW, and it will be available from 2015 to 2020.

How do you build a smart grid? One must build a two-way communication grid, an information grid that rides on it, and upgrade the energy grid to be two-way.

The steps are:

-Andres E. Carvallo, Chief Information Officer, Austin Energy



