
Position: Autoconfirmed
Gender: Male
Name: Kevin Smochko
Nickname: Eric
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My articles

Here is a list of articles I made.


I like children... alot

Why I'm at Wikipedia at a young age

I had a project at the school I used to go to. So I needed to create an account to write an article, But instead of deleting it, I decided to keep it.

What I do

For a living, I Program. And I'm actually getting good at it. For my Side-Hobby, I take pictures of Sirens, And I'm trying to Collect one. If you know where I can get a siren from 1-200$, Contact me. Don't ask me why I like sirens, I used to be scared of them, But now, I love them. I know a little bit about sirens, but I'm learning more day-by-day. I'm in the process of making a STAMP-controlled Siren Timer.
Thanks for reading this. --Kevinreturns 21:24, 11 January 2010 (EST)

My Userboxes

This user loves Sirens.