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pax vobiscum
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Master Editor
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Master Editor
Master Editor
This editor is an Illustrious Looshpah and is entitled to display this Book of All Knowledge.


I have wide-ranging interests in the Liberal Arts, including history, English literature, music, law, languages, and the genealogy of European royal and noble families, especially British.

I expect that, at least initially, my work in Wikipedia will consist of editing rather than writing. More specifically, in referencing Wikipedia articles on historical personages, I have noticed inconsistencies, incorrect links, and some style issues that I recognize as stemming mostly from translations. I intend to correct these types of things as I encounter them.

I love Wikipedia and look forward to contributing.

As of 2016, I am more active on Wikisource and on Commons than I am here.

How I think

On the Political compass, I am:

which means, to the best that I can tell, that I disagree with most people on most political issues.

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I am an INTP, fitting most closely the Myers-Briggs "classical profiles" of "Achiever" and "Developer." INTPs correlate to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter's Rational Architects type, and they sound pretty obnoxious to me. I last took the test in 1995, and I'm pretty sure that the results were different from the previous time about ten years earlier. No doubt they would be different today. I will have to look up that earlier test.




Links I like to keep handy