This page details the transition of an existing biography of a person who has recently died. Material about recently deceased persons are treated the same way as living persons; they must be written from the neutral point of view, citing verifiable sources that are not original research.

Wikipedia is not a memorial site; articles are not a place to memorialize any deceased persons.




First choose where to put the information. Examples from good to featured articles include: putting it under the "Personal life" or "Biography" section (Cleopatra, Mahatma Ghandi); while others, especially ones about politicians, put it under the "Leadership", "Post-leadership" or "Later years" section (George Washington, Vladimir Lenin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart); if their death is notable enough create an separate section about it (John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr., Elizabeth II).[balance of gender, philosophy, time period, needed]
Describe how they died. Provide their medical history if relevant.

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