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For articles relating to all characters of a specified series (Characters of X) or a list of characters of said specified series (List of X characters) it is often dificult to organize the article in a out-of-universe perspective. If possible, for media series divided into separate seasons, video games, books etc., attempt to organize the article with sections stating "Introduced in X","Introduced in X-2", and "Introduced in X-3".


If single media attempt to organize the article at best by introduction. Avoid organizing the article by fictional elements to avoid in-universe structure.

Individual characters and groups


For articles relating to a single fictional character or specified group, structure the article with key events that expands the character's (or group) development and fictional history. Be sure to name the section relating to fictional history as "Role" or "History" if the character only appears in one series.

If character or group appears in multiple media, then it should be named "Appearances".

If the fictional character or group appears in multiple media relating to the same series, mention the original media in one subsection and other versions in other media in a second subsection titled "in other media" covering only key differences.

If the fictional character has multiple versions appearing in multiple repeating media, divide the article by versions and and media.

Avoid describing fictional info by chapter or episode continuously as it would affect readers attempting to understand the characters overall history. Instead mention the key events of the episode that leads to the key info of the character.


Other fictional aspects

Making sections dedicated to a specific aspect of the characters such as "Relationships", "Sexuality", and other characteristics that are believed to be relevant must be covered by both first-party sources (such as writers and develops) and third-party sources (such as credible reviewers and analysts).