Photos of Craters of the Moon National Monument, the Snake River, Snake River Canyon and nearby features.


Caterpillar at Craters of the Moon National Monument

Devils Orchard

Dwarf Buckweat in Cinder Garden

Dwarf Buckweat at Devil's Orchard

Glacial features at Craters of the Moon National Monument

Homes on edge of Snake River Canyon

Lava formation

Limber Pine

North Crater flow

Shoshone Falls

Snake River Canyon from Twin Falls, Idaho

Snake River Canyon from Twin Falls

Tree in Devils Orchard

Twin Falls

Unknown flower at Craters of the Moon National Monument

Waterfall near Twin Falls, Idaho in the Snake River Canyon

Images that already have homes

Limber Pine at Craters of the Moon National Monument

Syringa in North Crater lava flow crack

Antelope Bitterbrush

Scoria field at Craters of the Moon

Marmot at Devil's Orchard in Craters of the Moon

Tree mold at Craters of the Moon National Monument

Rafted parts of North Crater

File:Devil's Orchard at Craters of the Moon National Monument-2.jpeg
Devils Orchard

Spatter Cones at Craters of the Moon National Monument

Craters of the Moon National Monument

File:Dwarf Buckweat at Craters of the Moon National Monument.jpeg
Drawf Buckweat

File:Devil's Orchard at Craters of the Moon National Monument.jpeg
Devils Orchard

Inferno Cone

Syringa in North Crater lava flow crack

North Crater cinder cone and flow

File:Dwarf Monkeyflower at Craters of the Moon National Monument.jpeg

Craters of the Moon National Monument from Inferno Cone

Spatter Cones

Big Southern Butte

Aa next to pahoehoe lava at Craters of the Moon

Lava tube at Craters of the Moon

U.S. Highway 93 bridge from within Snake River Canyon

U.S. Highway 93 bridge over Snake River Canyon near Twin Falls, Idaho

Weeping wall in Snake River Canyon

Geologic column exposed in Snake River Canyon