Dave Keuning

This user attends or attended
Queen Mary University of London
This user is an Americophile.
This user is a Canadaphile
This user is a Londoner.
This user is interested in
DNA and genetics.
Mendel is this user's
This user believes "There is grandeur in this view of life..."
This user belongs to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup.H1
This user trusts the EU about as far as they can throw it.
This user is for the Euro, but not for use in the United Kingdom.
A million girls would kill for this user's job.

G This user is a Gryffindor.
O.W.L.This user passed their O.W.L.s.
This user can read an Alethiometer.
This user is a cat lover.
This user is proud to be a
Person of Indian Origin.
This user supports the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
AquariusThis user is an Aquarius.
The TARDIS, from Doctor Who This user wants Rose to be his companion.
EEThis user watches EastEnders.
M.D.This user watches House.
This user is LOST…
BBThis user watches Big Brother.
ANTMThis user watches America's Next Top Model.