Mikayla Dawn


'Sup... person... who's... reading this page. (: My name is Mikayla Dawn. Of course, that isn't my real name. You can call me Mikayla or Kayla, but nothing else. Okay, now let's get started!

A Little About Me

Like I said before, my name is Mikayla Dawn, aka Kayla. I am a... girl that's alive. I currently go to a school that's not so great... and by 'not so great' I mean the TEACHERS. The school itself is okay, structure is safe, but the teachers are SO boring! I had this teacher once in 6th grade. She was the BEST. And she was fun.

Anyways, here's a list of things I like (The first one being the thing that I absolutely ADORE, worship, can't-live-without, etc.)

First of all, I want 'choo ALL to look up Varsity Fanclub on Google. There's a Wikipedia page on them too. After looking them up on Google, go on YouTube and type in, 'Varsity Fanclub Future Love'. That's their first single. It's awesome! Then, look up the rest of their songs (Zero, Bad Habit, Complicated Girl, We Will, etc.) and listen to them. I guarenTEE that 99% of you will fall in love with them. And then there's always the 1% - haters. There must be something wrong with them. :/ No offense... (: Anyways, the reason I LOVE Varsity Fanclub is... A) They actually SING live, unlike a certain somebody I know of... anyways... B) They are the BEST dancers EVER!!!!!!! Aside from Michael Jackson, that is. C) They cheer me up whenever I'm down... literally! Whenever I'm sad, I go to their YouTube channel and click a video, and they make me laugh so much. D) Whenever VFC (Varsity Fanclub) is somewhere (in a restaurant, hospital, etc.), they canNOT be bored. They make up silly stuff with each other. Finally... E) Their music is Off. The. HOOK!!!!!!!! I mean, seriously! I have a picky taste of music, and I actually have one that I like, so shouldn't YOU listen to them too? o_O

My family... well, to start things off, I live with my mom, dad, grandma, and sister. It's a cozy house, actually, but I never get to do anything. THAT is why I can't live without my laptop. Whenever I'm bored, I just open it right up and BAM!!! I have something to do. (:

Music is another thing I can't live without. My comment next to it is also true. A world without music is IMPOSSIBLE. It would be the saddest thing EVER. Imagine: You wake up in the morning (♫ Feelin' like Joe Jonas, I got my brothers I'm out the door I'm gonna hit this city. ♪ :P P.S: That is a cover of Tik Tok by Varsity Fanclub. :D ), shower, brush your teeth, change, eat breakfast, and go to school. (Pretend you can drive) You look at the road ahead of you, and wonder: Wouldn't it be nice to have some music on? So, you press the '1' button on your radio and suddenly, this voice comes on.

"We are very sorry, but music is no longer available in this world. Left Parenthesis, Colon!" Would you scream your head out? I would. I know, not a very good example, but still.