Editorial requirements from Writer's Digest & Author & Journalist

Matthew White

Albert Gibney

WD 1929-11 p. 5. Article on the Munsey Group by Gibney in which he names himself as the editor of Argosy.

A. H. Bittner

Issued weekly; 10c a copy; $4.00 a year. “We are in the market for action fiction of all varieties ; mystery, detective, humor, romance, adventure, business, western, northern, foreign, war, aviation, sports, sea, fantastic, etc. Variety is our keynote. Plot and action are essential. We do not want love stories, domestic problems, sketches, etc. Short stories of all lengths, novelettes, serials up to 80,000 words are needed. We report within two weeks and pay on acceptance."

Don Moore

Frederick Clayton

Jack Byrne

Chandler Whipple

George Post

Harry Gray

Burroughs Mitchell

Rogers Terrill

Harry Steeger (1)

Jerry Mason

Howard Lewis

Ken Purdy

Note for editorial succession

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction gives the succession of editors in the 1930s and early 1940s only as a range of years, without months. Contemporary reports of the editorial transitions in Writer's Digest have been used to give more information about the editorial changes, and to make the transition dates more precise.