— Wikipedian  —
Country Plantannia
LanguagesBotanese, English, Deutsch
Hobbies, favourites and beliefs
HobbiesBotany, Horticulture, Supervillainy
ShowsThe Private Life of Plants, The Green Planet, Kingdom of Plants 3D
Music"Leaves That Are Green", "Moss Garden", "Wild Roses"
AnthemRule, Plantannia!
The flag of Plantannia or that of Plantipedia (honest).
Veteran Editor
Veteran Editor
"I provide the people of this community with plant articles and plant article accessories."
— MtHill, from King of the WikiHill's "Pilot" (2023)

🌿 Strong interest in the plants of western N. America and the genus Penstemon. I will take requests to work on entries for vascular plant species native to the Southern Rocky Mountain states, e.g. Colorado, New Mexico, or Wyoming. Leave a request on my talk page. My variously named sandboxes often contain edits to existing pages that I'm working on, see Pages in progress below.

Top nine pages


Of the many pages I have either created or rewritten these are the nine that I like best.

 ✾ Claytonia rosea
 ✾ Castilleja integra
 🝧 Delphinium geyeri
 ✾ Geum triflorum
 ✜ Pedicularis groenlandica
 ✤ Penstemon secundiflorus
 ✾ Penstemon virens
 ✾ Toxicoscordion venenosum
 ✜ Wyethia amplexicaulis

List of articles edited by 🌿MtBotany.

Pages in progress:


A plant rant


You should read what an editor had to say about stub articles.. in the 1751 L'Encyclopédie at the entry for Urena lobata. The magnificent rant was written by Denis Diderot and makes me feel a great kinship with this writer across time. No stubs!

COI declaration


I am a member of the Colorado Native Plant Society. I also sometimes submit material to the society's newsletter, but I pledge that I will do my best not to excessively promote the society and to only give due weight to materials published in the newsletter. But I recognize that I will have an unconscious bias in favor of groups that I feel well disposed towards and will defer to the judgement of other editors on if content that I add is non-notable in their view. This account is not a single purpose account, I'm just somewhat obsessively interested in plants. Any questions may be directed towards my talk page or the talk page of relevant articles.

🌿Useful resources


Links and tips, a personal list, but may be useful for anyone editing pages about plant species: