Hello, I am just beginning to contribute to Wikipedia. I understand how to edit, and I do so haphazardly. I would love to ask every prolific Wikipedian these questions:

Things I am Working on

It's probably important to contribute to (1) local articles, (2) articles relating to your profession, (3) vital articles to Wikipedia that need help, and (4) articles about anything you are interested in. And of course whenever a typo or mistake or awkward sentence is spotted.

Sacramento Area

Civil Engineering

Level 1-2 Vital Articles

After reading the article and talk pages for the arts and art and culture, I have determined that these articles are very difficult to edit and improve. It seems like the biggest issues with these are their overall structure and scope. It is especially difficult because the topics are so broad. Edits to the structure and scope of Level 1 vital articles are outside my current ability!

Level 4 Vital Articles

Hopefully these are easier to edit. They will certainly be narrower in scope!