My goal is to get the Nebraska pages in order and make pages for every sport. I've just started and I expect that this will take a while. Please bare with me.

Africa Rocks

− *African Pygmy-falcon − *Bat-eared Fox − *Bateleur Eagle − *Blue-naped Mousebird − *Chinese Goral − *Coati − *Cougar − *Dwarf Mongoose − *Eurasian Lynx − *Fossa − *Golden-breasted Starling − *Green Wood Hoopoe − *Indian Crested Porcupine − *Jaguar − *Klipspringer − *Madagascar Buttonquail − *Meerkat − *New Guinea Singing Dog − *North China Leopard − *Northern White-crowned Shrike − *Rock Hyrax − *Sand Cat − *Snow Leopard − *Southern Ground-hornbill − *Spotted Hyena − *Striped Hyena − *Violet-backed Starling − *Warthog − *Wattled Starling − *White-bellied Go-away-bird − *White-crowned Robin-chat − *White-faced Saki − *White-headed Buffalo-weaver − *White-headed Lapwing − *Woodland Kingfisher − *Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby − − ===Asian Passage=== − *Lion-tailed macaque − *Sun Bear − *Great Hornbill − *Wreathed Hornbill − *Rhinoceros Hornbill − *Fawn-breasted Bowerbird − *Bali Mynah − *Metallic Starling − *Magpie-robin − *Himalayan Monal − *Fairy-bluebird − *Grosbeak Starling − *Silvery Lutung − *Red-billed Malkoha − *Chestnut-bellied Partridge − *Jambu Fruit Dove − *African Wild Dog − − ===Discovery Outpost=== − *Burmese Python − *Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake − *Eyelash Viper − *Black tree monitor − *Madagascan Tree Boa − *Brown Tree Snake − *Brazil's lancehead − *Anchieta's dwarf python − *King Cobra − *Emerald Tree Monitor − *Green Anaconda − *Plumed Basilisk − *Rinkhals − *False Water Cobra − *Red Spitting Cobra − *Alligator Snapping Turtle − *Indian Cobra − *Bushmaster − *Emerald Tree Boa − *Caiman Lizard − *Fiji Banded Iguana − *Tentacled Snake − *Green Tree Python − *Terciopelo − *Blood Python − *Indian Python − *Gopher Snake − *Mexican Beaded Lizard − *Quince Monitor − *Mojave Rattlesnake − *Timor python − *Eastern green mamba − *Woma − *Solomon Islands skink − *Neotropical rattlesnake − *Scrub python − *Jerdon's pitviper − *Banded Rock Rattlesnake − *Twin-spotted rattlesnake − *Western diamondback rattlesnake − *Mexican lance-headed rattlesnake − *Coachwhip − *Beauty rat snake − *Chinese crocodile lizard − *Desert Tortoise − *Mangshan pitviper − *King's Skink − *Western diamondback rattlesnake − *Sudan plated lizard − *Leopard tortoise − *Red-headed Rock Agama − *Ocellated Lizard − *European Glass Lizard − *Giant Plated Lizard − *Sungazer − *Five-lined Mabuya − *Matamata − *Red-headed Amazon River Turtle − *Pig-nosed Turtle − *Ridge-tailed monitor − *Shingleback − *Indian tree viper − *Sahara sand viper − *Long-nosed whip snake − *Rosy Boa − *Baja California Rat Snake − *Green bush viper − *California mountain kingsnake − *Baja Blue Rock Lizard − *Exuma Island Iguana − *Anegada Ground Iguana − *Surinam toad − *Waxy Monkey Leaf Frog − *Mexican palm-pitviper − *Blue Poison Dart Frog − *Golden Mantella − *Fire Salamander − *Tomato Frog − *Panamanian golden frog − *Dyeing Poison Dart Frog − *Dominican Ameiva − *Green and Black Poison Dart Frog − *Black-legged Dart Frog − *Cuban iguana − *Striped Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle − *Bornean River Turtle − *Painted Batagur − *Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle − *Asian Forest Tortoise − *African Spurred Tortoise − *Galapagos tortoise − *Chestnut-breasted Malkoha − *Mountain Bamboo-partridge − *Green Aracari − *Broad-billed Hummingbird − *Costa's Hummingbird − *Turquoise Tanager − *Sunbittern − *Crested Wood-partridge − *Blue Dacnis − *Blue-winged Minla − *Green-and-gold Tanager − *Sparkling Violetear − *Paradise Tanager − *Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird − *Cotton Pygmy Goose − *Blue-necked Tanager − *Hyacinth Macaw − *Goeldi's marmoset − *Fennec Fox − *Ferruginous duck − *Wood duck − *White-faced Whistling Duck − *Indian Crested Porcupine − *Short-beaked echidna − *House Mouse − *Domestic Rabbit − *Domestic Goat − *Domestic Sheep − *Domestic Pig − *Miniature horse − *Kea − *Collared Lory − *Millipede − *Assassin Bug − *Giant cockroach − *Spiny leaf insect − *Dead Leaf Mantis − *Madagascar Hissing Cockroach − *Predaceous diving beetle − *Whirligig Beetle − *Sunburst Diving Beetle − *Eurypterid − *Jungle nymph − *Giant Water Scorpion − *Whip spider − *Bird-eating spider − *Honeybee − *Emperor scorpion − *Leafcutter Ant − *Naked mole rat − *Pygmy marmoset − *Fossa − *Brown Spider Monkey − *North American river otter − *Spotted-necked Otter − *Red Panda − *Black-tailed prairie dog − *Thick-billed parrot − *Ocelot − *Spangled Cotinga − *Mountain Peacock-pheasant − *Andean Cock-of-the-rock − *Black-striped Sparrow − *Red-capped Cardinal − *Garden snail − *Earthworm − *Serval − *Homing pigeon − *Two-toed sloth − *Geoffrey's Marmoset − *Scarlet Macaw − *Rock Hyrax − *Gharial − *Komodo dragon − *Gila monster − *Meerkat − *Black-necked Swan − *Scarlet Macaw − *Green-winged Macaw − *Blue-and-gold Macaw − *Military Macaw − *California Sea Lion − − ===Elephant Odyssey===

An African Bush Elephant at the zoo in June 2005

− *African Bush Elephant − *African lion − *Asian elephant − *Guanaco − *Baird's tapir − *Capybara − *Secretary bird − *Pronghorn − *California condor − *Two-toed Sloth − *Kirk's Dik-dik − *Jaguar − *Sunburst Diving Beetle − *Giant desert hairy scorpion − *Dung Beetle − *Western pond turtle − *Coastal Range newt − *Western fence lizard − *Side-blotched lizard − *Western toad − *Western Skink − *Pacific Tree Frog − *Dromedary camel − *Llama − *Burro − *Mustang (horse) / Feral horse − *Southwestern speckled rattlesnake − *Southern Pacific rattlesnake − *Red diamond rattlesnake − − ===Lost Forest=== − *Caribbean Flamingo − *Ringed Teal − *Wood Duck − *Chiloe Wigeon − *Scarlet Ibis − *Bahama pintail − *White-faced Whistling Duck − *Crested Screamer − *Mallard − *Bronze-winged Duck − *Visayan Warty Pig − *Lesser Spot-nosed Monkey − *Bali Mynah − *Pink-spotted Fruit Dove − *Spotted Laughingthrush − *Palawan Peacock-pheasant − *Green-naped Pheasant Pigeon − *Yellow-breasted Fruit-dove − *Fairy-bluebird − *Hooded Pitta − *Red-bellied Short-necked Turtle − *Indian Flapshell Turtle − *Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle − *Fly River turtle − *Parker's Snake-necked Turtle − *Black Pond Turtle − *Johnston's Crocodile − *Coroneted Fruit-dove − *Red-tailed Minla − *Parrotfinch − *Fishing Cat − *Marbled Teal − *Wandering Whistling Duck − *Collared Lory − *White-collared Kingfisher − *Purple-tailed Imperial-pigeon − *White-eared Catbird − *Milky Stork − *Storm's Stork − *Eurasian Spoonbill − *Malayan tapir − *Pink-headed Fruit Dove − *Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot − *Java Sparrow − *Pale-headed Munia − *Reticulated Python − *Malayan tiger − *Blue-winged Minla − *White-rumped Shama − *Great Argus − *Okapi − *Black Duiker − *Hippopotamus − *Emerald Starling − *Yellow-crowned Gonolek − *Oriole Warbler − *Black-cheeked Lovebird − *Great Blue Turaco − *Spot-nosed Monkey − *Allen's Swamp monkey − *Red River Hog − *African Forest Buffalo − *Spotted-necked otter − *African Spoonbill − *Lesser Flamingo − *Little Blue Heron − *Cattle Egret − *Great Blue Heron − *Great Egret − *White-breasted Cormorant − *African Darter − *Shelduck − *Spur-winged Goose − *Saddle-billed Stork − *Red-crowned Crane − *Steller's sea eagle − *Andean condor − *Ornate Hawk-eagle − *Harpy eagle − *Siberian Musk Deer − *Raggiana Bird-of-paradise − *Chestnut-breasted Malkoha − *Micronesian Kingfisher − *Purple-naped Lory − *Dollarbird − *Red-collared Lorikeet − *Black-chinned Fruit-dove − *Chestnut-backed Scimitar-babbler − *Blyth's Tragopan − *Taiwan Hwamei − *Superb Fruit-dove − *Temminck's Tragopan − *Red-tailed Black Cockatoo − *Red-and-blue Lory − *Papuan Lorikeet − *Black-throated Laughingthrush − *White-breasted Woodswallow − *Grosbeak Starling − *Long-tailed Parakeet − *Mariana Fruit-dove − *Edward's Pheasant − *Silver-eared Mesia − *Western Crowned Pigeon − *Wompoo Fruit-dove − *Wrinkled Hornbill − *Red-billed Malkoha − *Yellow-throated Laughingthrush − *Horned Parakeet − *Tarictic Hornbill − *Western lowland gorilla − *Snowy-crowned Robin-chat − *Crested Coua − *Golden-breasted Starling − *Oriole Warbler − *White-headed Buffalo Weaver − *Double-toothed Barbet − *Slender-snouted Crocodile − *Wolf's Guenon − *Pygmy hippopotamus − *Dwarf crocodile − *East African Black Mud Turtle − *Henkel's Leaf-tailed Gecko − *Angolan python − *Pancake Tortoise − *Yellow-throated Plated Lizard − *Gaboon Viper − *Tiger snake − *Green snake − *Madagascar hissing cockroach − *Madagascar Tree Boa − *Puff adder − *Twig snake − *Armadillo Girdled Lizard − *Beaked Cape Tortoise − *Berber Skink − *Boulenger's Skink − *Mozambique Girdled Lizard − *Rainbow Mabuya − *Bearded barbet − *Blue-breasted Kingfisher − *Northern White-crowned Shrike − *Laughing Dove − *Ross's Turaco − *Blue-bellied Roller − *African Olive-pigeon − *Livingstone's Turaco − *Madagascar Crested Ibis − *Red-crested Turaco − *African Gray Parrot − *African Openbill − *Green Wood Hoopoe − *Southern Bald Ibis − *Superb Starling − *Red-eyed Dove − *Tambourine Dove − *Long-tailed Hornbill − *White-headed Lapwing − *Racquet-tailed Roller − *Yellow-necked Francolin − *Capuchin Babbler − *Hamerkop − *White-crowned Robin-chat − *Ferruginous Duck − *Wattled Starling − *Blue-naped Mousebird − *Rufous-crowned Roller − *Emerald Starling − *Violet Turaco − *Helmeted Guineafowl − *White-crowned Shrike − *Crested Guineafowl − *Bonobo − *Angola Colobus − *Crowned Eagle − *Blue-capped Cordon-bleu − *Gray-headed Silverbill − *Black-billed Wood Dove − *Paradise Whydah − *Madagascar Buttonquail − *Purple Grenadier − *Nicobar Pigeon − *White-bellied Imperial-pigeon − *White-necked Laughingthrush − *Green Imperial-pigeon − *Iris Lorikeet − *Emerald Dove − *Papuan Mountain-pigeon − *Metallic Starling − *Metallic Pigeon − *Black-and-crimson Oriole − *Fawn-breasted Bowerbird − *Red-tailed Laughingthrush − *Bulwer's Pheasant − *White-breasted Kingfisher − *Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse − *Egyptian Plover − *Variable Sunbird − *Sociable Weaver − *Amethyst Starling − *Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird − *Bronze Mannikin − *Namaqua Dove − *Green-winged Pytilia − *Black Crested Gibbon − *Golden-bellied mangabey − *Mandrill − *Black Mangabey − *Eclectus Parrot − *Cotton Pygmy Goose − *Sulphur-crested Cockatoo − *Victoria Crowned Pigeon − *Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike − *Fawn-breasted Bowerbird − *Fire-tufted Barbet − *Bleeding-heart − *Black-naped Oriole − *Pied Imperial-pigeon − *White-browed Laughingthrush − *Red-knobbed Hornbill − *Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush − *Siamang − *Bornean orangutan − *Sumatran orangutan − *Francois' Langur − *Ruddy Duck − *Mandarin Duck − *Koi − *Western pond turtle − *Tufted Deer − *Scarlet Macaw − − ===Outback=== − *Koala − *Bactrian camel − *Parma wallaby − *Cuvier's Gazelle − *Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat − *Tree-kangaroo − *Royal Antelope − *Rufous-crowned Roller − *Visayan Warty Pig − *Red Ruffed Lemur − *Rock Hyrax − *Yellow-backed Duiker − *Lowland Anoa − *Gang-gang Cockatoo − *North Island Brown Kiwi − *Squirrel monkey − *Slow loris − *Kookaburra − *Banded Mongoose − *Prevost's Squirrel − *Southern White-faced Owl − *Double-eyed Fig Parrot − *Blue-crowned Lorikeet − *Binturong − *Edward's Fig Parrot − *Mindanao Lorikeet − *Blue-eared Lory − *Black-chinned Fruit Dove − *Guam Rail − *Spectacled Bear − *Lion − *African Clawless Otter − *Brown Bear − *Francois' Langur − *L'Hoest's Monkey − *Golden-bellied Mangabey − *De Brazza's Monkey − *Sloth Bear − − ===Panda Canyon=== − *Giant panda − *Red Panda − *Tufted deer − *Red River Hog − − ===Polar rim=== − *Siberian Musk Deer − *Grevy's Zebra − *Kirk's Dik-dik − *Lesser Kudu − *Speke's Gazelle − *Gerenuk − *Polar bear − *Reindeer − *Arctic Fox − *Raccoon − *Gadwall − *Ross's Goose − *Northern Pintail − *Canvasback − *Red-breasted Goose − *Eurasian Wigeon − *Ruddy Duck − *Mallard − *Ring-necked Duck − *Emperor Goose − *Wood Duck − *Great Tit − *Ruff − *Smew − *Bufflehead − *Diving duck − *Red-breasted Merganser − *Long-tailed Duck − *Harlequin Duck − *Magpie-robin − *Collared Imperial-pigeon − *Mindanao Bleeding-heart − *Cabot's Tragopan − *Collared Finchbill − *White-naped Pheasant Pigeon − *Yellow-throated Laughingthrush − *Kagu − *Superb Bird-of-paradise − *Papuan Mountain-pigeon − *Jambu Fruit-dove − *Dollarbird − *Pied Imperial-pigeon − *Blyth's Tragopan − *Ross's Turaco − *Dama Gazelle − *Calamian Deer − *Chacoan Peccary − *Sichuan Takin − *Blue Duiker − *Steenbok − − ===Urban Jungle=== − *Masai giraffe − *Greater Indian One horned Rhinoceros − *Meerkat − *Kookaburra − *Clouded Leopard − *Pacarana − *Red River Hog − *Caribbean Flamingo − *Red Kangaroo − *Donkey − *Soemmerring's Gazelle − *Arctic Wolf − *Golden Retriever − *Cheetah − *Gray Wolf − *New Guinea Singing Dog − *Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Pages I think are done
Dear Old Nebraska U
Hail Varsity
Frank Crawford
A. Edwin Branch
Walter C. Booth
Charles "Cy" Sherman
1890 Nebraska Cornhuskers football team
1891 Nebraska Cornhuskers football team
1893 Nebraska Cornhuskers football team

Pages I think are done with all the information that I can find.
1892 Nebraska Cornhuskers football team

Pages I think are done until the next game
Colorado-Nebraska Rivalry
Nebraska-Oklahoma rivalry
Missouri–Nebraska rivalry

Pages that are finished for Nebraska content but needs other content added
Charles Thomas (coach)
Bill Callahan (coach)
2009 Gator Bowl

This user participates in
WikiProject Nebraska.