This is the user sandbox of NewbTopolis Rex. A user sandbox is a subpage of the user's user page. It serves as a testing spot and page development space for the user and is not an encyclopedia article. Create or edit your own sandbox here.Other sandboxes: Main sandbox | Template sandbox Finished writing a draft article? Are you ready to request review of it by an experienced editor for possible inclusion in Wikipedia? Submit your draft for review!

NewbTopolis Rex's Sandbox

Oniţiu, Petrović, Dawson & Fox
1st Pr. Kniest TT. 1930
FIDE Album 1914-1944/III
a8 black archbishop
b8 black bishop
c8 black chancellor
d8 d d
e8 black elephant
f8 black upside-down king
g8 black upside-down queen
h8 black upside-down pawn
b7 i d
c7 j d
d7 black king
e7 l d
f7 black upside-down rook
g7 black knight
h7 o d
a6 black pawn
c6 black queen
d6 black rook
e6 black boat
f6 black fool
g6 up-down arrow
h6 v d
a5 black wizard
b5 x d
d5 y d
e5 black champion
f5 0 d
g5 1 d
h5 2 d
a4 3 d
b4 4 d
c4 5 d
e4 white archbishop
f4 white bishop
g4 white chancellor
h4 down-left arrow
a3 white elephant
b3 white upside-down king
c3 white upside-down queen
d3 white upside-down pawn
f3 i l
g3 j l
h3 white king
a2 l l
b2 white upside-down rook
c2 white knight
d2 o l
e2 white pawn
g2 white queen
h2 white rook
a1 white boat
b1 white fool
c1 up-left arrow
d1 v l
e1 white wizard
f1 x l
h1 y l