Nicole DaRosa
Wedding 2014
Cambi LeCole Smith
Dresdon Robert Smith

Nicole Letitia DaRosa-Smith of Stamford, CT was born April 20, 1972 in New Haven, CT at New Haven Hospital. She was given up for adoption at birth so that her mother could further her desire of becoming a Doctor. At the age of 2 years old Nicole was adopted by John and Cecelia DaRosa of Stamford, CT. An only child she enjoyed the company of several cousins and childhood playmates. At the tender age of 3 she started singing in church where she grew to sing on 5 different choirs / groups and even given the opportunity to Direct. Nicole was raised as a Christian under the Apostolic faith believing in the holy spirit and dance to worship. Her education began at New Canaan Country Day, to Stark Elementary, to Long Ridge Country Day, to King Low-Heywood Thomas, to New York Institute of Technology with a concentration in Civil Engineering and Architectural Design. Throughout high school Nicole studied Musical Theater Arts in which she exceled and was thought to go on to study Music or Acting. Life had other plans! In 1987 she met the man of her dreams who she would marry in 1995. Robert M. Smith of Stamford, CT (born in Panama City, PA) captured Nicole's heart at the age of 15. They dated for her entire high school career and through college. As they both grew they developed a need for individual path seeking. That lasted a year and they found their way back to each other. At 23 years of age Nicole was asked by Robert to be his wife and she proudly accepted. Married on April 29, 1995 they enjoyed the scene of relatives and friends abound. In August of 1996 they welcomed their first born Cambi LeCole Smith born in White Plains, NY at White Plains Hospital. Nicole worked at Pitney Bowes Management Services when Cambi was born and would stay for an additional 2 years until finding a need to be home for her daughter. After working with PBMS for 2 years she took time off to be a mom to her daughter and let her own mother Cecelia get back to her Non-Profit work with the Jackie Robinson Park of Fame. After being home for a short while she and her husband decided in 1998 to relocate to Raleigh, NC. Nicole went back to work for IBM in the RTP area and Cambi started pre-school at La Petite Academy. In 2010 Nicole gave birth to her second child, Dresdon Roberto Smith, starting motherhood all over again.