This is the user sandbox of Nintenfreak. A user sandbox is a subpage of the user's user page. It serves as a testing spot and page development space for the user and is not an encyclopedia article. Create or edit your own sandbox here.Other sandboxes: Main sandbox | Template sandbox Finished writing a draft article? Are you ready to request review of it by an experienced editor for possible inclusion in Wikipedia? Submit your draft for review!

᚛ᚃᚒᚉ ᚔᚖᚏ ᚄᚆᚔᚈ᚜

Αα - a, aː Ββ - b Γγ - g Δδ - d Ϯϯ - ti Εε - e 8ϝ - f Ζζ - z Ȝ̇ȝ̇ - ɣ Ηη - ɛː Ϩϩ - ħ Θθ - tʰ Ιι - i Jj - j Ϫϫ - dʒ Κκ - k Λλ - l Μμ - m Νν - n Ξξ - ks Οο - o Ππ - p Ϙϙ - q Ρρ - r Σςσ - s Ϡϡ - ɕ, ʑ Ϭϭ - t͡sʰ Ττ - t Ϥϥ - ŋ Ϲϲ - c, ɟ Ϸϸ - θ Υυ - y, yː Φφ - pʰ Χχ - t͡ʃ Ϧϧ - x Ψψ - ps Ωω - ɔː Ϣϣ - h Ȝȝ - ʕ

An ailing 90 year old Wichcaf, running out of time, visits a witchdoctor from another planet. His death date is predicted, and he's told that he heralds in the next million days, and always has. Skeptical, she provides him visions of his past lives and deaths.

Day 7,000,000, the Seven Deaths of Wichcaf Oinhev

1 January -4713 Solnitsata, Bulgaria His incarnation was a king, immensely wealthy in Salt and Gold. A beggar from the Balkan forests came upon his walled city, and asked for respite from the biting cold. His ancestor refused, and derided the beggar for her poor manner. The Beggar revealed herself to be a witch and cursed him to die a humbling death every million days.

A man he trusted as a brother writes him out of the company's contract, takes his wife for his own, and alone, cold, and hungry, he dies outside the city gates.


7 November -1976 His incarnation here was a horse hunter in Mongolia. He'd ride horses onto the Ural steppe wrangling wild horses and returning home with them. The ones which could be tamed would be tamed, or their foals taken from them at an early age, and the ones which couldn't, especially stallions, were slaughtered for meat. A prophet tells him that he'll die and how, and so he renders the prophet's possessions asunder. Slowly the prophecies come true, specifically because of his own actions.


14 September 763 Wenceslas has his fortune told by Libuše, the seeër, who tels him of his previous lives, and that he will die of excess. He gives away his fortune, his belongings, becomes pious and a holy man, but dies of exhaustion on 14 September.


15 August 3501 Vyacheslav is a man of science

12 July 6239 Vychslav

7 June 8977 Vitchkab

5 May 11715 Wickav

31 March 14453 Wichcaf