I'm an American by birth and a computer programmer by trade. I'm an Anglophile, and I live in San Francisco in the Castro. I listen to lots of indie rock and go to many concerts. People think I'm crazy for wanting to spend time on Wikipedia, but there's something tremendously satisfying about fixing shit, so here I am.

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time at the Graphic Lab SVGifying images as needed. See below for some examples.

Articles I've started

Articles I've heavily modified

Inaccuracies I've corrected

Every once in awhile, I run across something that's confusing. And sometimes, in the course of trying to find a source that explains it clearly, I discover that it's just plain wrong. When I'm able to find something like that and correct the record… that really makes my day. :-) Here are notable cases of that:

Images I've added