Personal Attack Blocking Time-line

Snowspinner's proposed policy fails to gain consensus

Snowspinner issues a warning

Snowspinner attempts to make controversial changes to policy unilaterally

Snowspinner asserts that he will follow "common sense" rather than community consensus

Snowspinner explains his concept of "Common sense"

23:39, 10 Sep 2004 to 05:28, 11 Sep 2004: Snowspinner adds an explanation of common sense to his User page, explaining that consensus, in the form of "codified Wikipedia policy[,] changes at a speed that can generally be outstripped by a VW Bug in park. [...] attempts to slavishly follow the rules when one of the rules is to ignore all rules is an exercise in absurdism." [19]

23:39, 10 Sep 2004: Snowspinner excerpts a discussion from the #Wikipedia IRC channel, adding it to his User page, which quotes user:Raul654 (quoted in full, emphasis orthogonal's): [20]

Raul654: oh, and Snowspinner, I've come to a conclusion
Raul654: making policy on wikipedia is hard
Raul654: because there are people who oppose any common sense measures
JamesF: Raul> Indeed.
Snowspinner: Yes. I came to that conclusion as well.
Raul654: I have decided that it's better to shoot first and ask questions later ;)
Snowspinner: Cool.
Snowspinner: I'm in that camp too now.
Raul654: seriously
Raul654: don't worry about making common sense policy
Raul654: just do things with common sense
Raul654: and wait for policy to catch up

Snowspinner blocks user:Robert Brookes

Application of Blocking Policy to Snowspinner's blocking of user:Robert Brookes

Note that above, Snowspinner had agreed with Jwrosenzweig's statement that "The only consequence a non-AC member can impose for a personal attack, as I recall, is to remove it", but one of the reasons given for blocking Robert Brookes is "personal attacks".

The Policy cited, however, is the "Disruptive user policy", or more accurately, Wikipedia:Blocking_policy#Disruption. In part this Policy provides that:

Sysops may, at their judgement, block IP addresses that disrupt the normal functioning of Wikipedia. Such disruption is to be objectively defined by specific policies, and may include changing other user's signed comments or making deliberately misleading edits. Users should be warned that they are violating policy before they are blocked. [....]
Sysops may also block new user accounts that make lots of disruptive edits, for any length of time or permanently, at their discretion.

Is the user:Robert Brookes a "new" account? No, it was established 9 Aug 2004, So the "new user" clause cannot apply. [21] (In comparison, Snowspinner first ran for sysop after being here six weeks.)

The Blocking Policy provides that "Users should be warned that they are violating policy before they are blocked.". Did Snowspinner warn user:Robert Brookes? Yes, at 20:04, 9 Sep 2004 (see above for link).

But the Blocking Policy provides that "disruption is to be objectively defined by specific policies"; as demonstrated above, while there is a Policy that provides for the removal of personal attacks, not only is there no policy that allows unilateral sysop banning for personal attacks, and the community has explicitly failed to find a consensus for such actions.

And Snowspinner's warning to User:Robert Brookes was about "personal attacks", for which a sysop cannot block.

Snowspinner is in violation of Policy and has willfully disregarded his responsibilities as Sysop

Therefore, I contend that user:Robert Brookes (while in my personal opinion a most obnoxious user) was not effectively warned, and was blocked for so-called "violations" of non-policy, and as demonstrated by Snowspinner's exchange with Jwrosenzweig, Snowspinner at the time he blocked Robert Brookes knew that that blocking was not supported by policy.

Given the above, Snowspinner has willfully and knowingly departed from Policy, and has ignored the explicit consensus of the community that he was made a sysop to uphold, in a manner incompatible with the office of Sysop.

-- orthogonal 17:23, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)