Pressure broadening

The presence of pertubing particles near an emitting atom will cause a broadening and possible shift of the emitted radiation.

There is two types impact and quasistatic

In each case you need the profile, represented by Cp as in C6 for Lennard-Jones potential

Assume Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for both cases.

Impact broadening

From (Peach 1981, p. 387)

For impact, its always Lorentzian profile

Broadening by linear Stark effect
Debye effects must be accounted for
Broadening by ???
Broadening by quadratic Stark effect
Broadening by Van der Waals forces

Quasistatic broadening

From (Peach 1981, p. 408)

For quasistatic, functional form of lineshape varies. Generally its a Levy skew alpha-stable distribution (Peach, page 408)

Broadening by linear Stark effect

where K is of order unity. Its just an approximation.

Broadening by quadratic Stark effect
(Peach1981 & Peach 1981, Eq 4.95)

where and are the static dipole polarizabilities of the i and j energy levels.

Broadening by Van der Waals forces gives a Van der Waals profile. C6 is the wing term in the Lennard-Jones potential.


0 otherwise.

(Peach 1981, Eq 4.101)
(Peach 1981, Eq 4.100)

where K is of order 1.