
I am just a guest on this earth.... many things I have experienced, wishing an open mind and the wisdom for the much more to come.

Some Thoughts

Science was indeed an eye-opener.

We were only from Newtonian age to Quantum theory not too long ago, but how soon it already reaches its limit as we search for the ultimate ultimate!

How lucky I was when I stumble onto Buddhism!

This, I call true eye-opener.

It was only out of curiosity, for fun, and of course, some satisfaction.
Now it is the way to liberation and wisdom.
However long it might take, the good news is there is an end for the search of the ultimate ultimate.
And there is a sure way to get there. What can be better than that?

Many many hearty thanks to the Bodhisattvas, who helps us understand.

Now I know why it took so long before I stumbling onto it.

Why, such a free treasure so few people care to find?
How shall I begin to tell you there is no treasure on earth better than this?
I was extremely lucky to come across it... won't you come with me too?