Who am I?

I am a net freelancer and in Top 1000 (or Top 1%) of active Wikipedians. Love working creatively in a sitting position, and Wiki gives me this great feelinng I am doing something good - no delays in article publications, no need to pay for my work (hmmm, I can see a problem with this in the long run, but I am still an idealist :>). Finished my MA on Economy with flying colors this April, and will hopefully start my PhD studies in politology in October in Poland (proposed topic: impact of changes in communication technology on evolution of political systems). I'd love to study in 'the West' though - in case you are from that part of our lil' planet and looking for PhD studends, do let me know :> --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 19:10, 27 Aug 2004 (UTC)

My English homepage:

Feel free to contact me by ICQ 70822962 or GG 1298166

What do I do at Wiki?

The below lists shows most important projects I have worked on, am working on or plan to work on.

Wikiproject I am into;

My Wikitools

My humble beginings at Wiki

Note: read and laugh

All right, I am getting a hang of this. Some...still appreciate all and any advice u can get, but I have done some useful contributions (yey, my henrician articles made even main page yesterday! :D Yeah, yeah, nothing to brag about...that was just my inner geek. Do leave msgs on my talk page, plz :D --Piotrus 16:17, 29 Apr 2004 (UTC)

I am fairly new to the wikistuff - I am not entirely sure I should be writing *this* here. In time, I hope to contribute some information - especially about Polish (Commonwealth) history in XVII century (seems like there is a lot of stuff still needed).