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((dts|format=md|April 12, 1861)) in wikitable sortable, date sort Template:Date table sorting
((sortname|first|last)) in wikitable sortable, name sort Template:Sortname
((Sort|order|[[wikilink|display]])) in wikitable sortable, generic sort Template:Sort
((convert|555|ft|m|abbr=on)) displays the first measurement and then the second in parenthesis Template:Convert
((birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD)) displays the date of birth and then the age in parenthesis Template:birth date and age
force break, normally so that the paragraph text is not misaligned
due to an infobox or pictures
((BLACK)) Standard values for cell colors and text Template:Table cell templates
((Ill|Article title|language code)) Links to article in another language Template:Interlanguage link
((linktext|word)) Links to Wiktionary word Template:Linktext
<ref>...</ref> place citations after punctuation
<ref name=xxxx>...</ref>

<ref name=xxxx />

reusing a reference
first line shows marking; Second shows using it
((val)) formatting numeric values, especially those with scientific notations, uncertainty notations, and those with measurement values with physical units.
No wrapping across lines.