1. The distribution in wavelengths of the light emitted from a radiating blackbody is a sensitive function of the temperature. This dependence is used to measure the temperature of hot objects, without making physical contact with those objects, in a technique called optical pyrometry. In the limit (hc/λkT) >> 1, the maximum in a plot of ρ(λ,T) versus λ is given by λmax = hc/5kT. At what wavelength does the maximum in ρ(λ,T) occur for T = 450, 1500, and 4500 K?



  2. For a monatomic gas, one measure of the "average speed" of the atoms is the root mean square speed, vrms = <v2>1/2 = , in which m is the molecular mass and k is the Boltzmann constant. Using this formula, calculate the de Broglie wavelength for He and Ar atoms at 100 and at 500 K.