In number theory, the Fontaine–Mazur conjecture provides a conjectural characterization of those p-adic Galois representations of number fields which "come from geometry". It is named after ...

Representations coming from geometry

Let K be a number field. Given a smooth proper n-dimensional variety[1] X over K, its ith p-adic étale cohomology group is a finite-dimensional Qp-vector space with a continuous action by the absolute Galois group GK of K. It satisfies several important properties of which the following are relevant to the Fontaine–Mazur conjecture:

  1. Let v be a finite place of K not dividing p at which X has good reduction, then VX,i is unramified at v. Since such an X is unramified at all but finitely many places, this is true of VX,i .
  2. Let v be a finite place of K above p, then VX,i is de Rham at v.[2]

These properties are then both true for an GK-subquotient of VX,i .

Geometric Galois representations

Abstracting the properties of Galois representations that come from geometry Fontaine and Mazur introduced the following definition:

Definition: Let ρ: GK → GL(n, Qp) be a continuous, irreducible representation. Then ρ is called geometric if
  1. ρ is unramified at all but finitely many places of K;
  2. ρ is de Rham at places above p.

The conjecture and partial results

Fontaine and Mazur were then lead to conjecture that the two conditions imposed in the definition of a geometric Galois representation in fact characterize the collection of Galois representations coming from geometry. Specifically:

Fontaine–Mazur conjecture: If ρ: GK → GL(n, Qp) is a continuous, irreducible, geometric representation, then ρ comes from geometry.

In the case of two-dimensional representations: Fontaine–Mazur–Langlands.[3]


  1. ^ ???By variety, we mean a reduced scheme of finite type over K
  2. ^ Faltings
  3. ^ Diamond–Shurman conjecture 9.6.9