Hello there. My name is rptaylor12 , and I'm a Computer Science undergraduate student at Kingston University, London. I'm 21 years old, and unfortunately still live at home with my parents. I have a keen interest in ensuring that Wikipedia is as clear, organised and structured as physically possible.

I speak English natively, plus Spanish to an advanced level. I'm a keen sportsman, playing tennis, football, table tennis and badminton. I have a keen interest in politics, history, philosophy and sports. I would best describe my politics/philosophy as a libertarian, verging on objectivist, while I am a keen fan of both European and American sports. I am also a keen drinker, preferring good quality British style tea and similarly high standard English ales and beers.


This user believes copyright laws are harmful and that RE, sharing and modifying are inalienable rights.
This user is an objectivist, but not a jerk.
This user believes that all human interaction should be voluntary.
This user is a member of the Association of Structurist Wikipedians.
This user is a tobacco smoker.
GSThis user went to a
grammar school.
This user is a BSc student at university.
This user is British by ethnicity
This user lives in London.
This user is male.
ZTThis user supports a strict zero tolerance policy on vandalism.
This user checks Wikipedia.