Hi, thanks for dropping by. I have been working on a rather diverse selection of articles, and my manner and writing style varies depending on the situation. Don't be surprised if this page seems sillier (or vice versa) then you thought it would be.

Talk Section

In a halfhearted attempt to track visits, I invite you to say something (anything!) here. Random or silly gibberish works nicely. Archive

Don't worry, I occasionally indulge in Lobster Thermidor a Crevette with mornay sauce served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top, and spam ;) s»abhorreo»i 08:09, 17 May 2006 (UTC)

And i occansionally dont understand a word you say. sometimes. a lot of times. OKAY, all the time. (What is a Lobster thermidor? [just asking])

It's a reference to the Monty Python spam sketch s»abhorreo»i 02:09, 18 May 2006 (UTC)

Feel free to snub my request. Normal messages can go on the talk page.

My username and signature

The Sai are used in Kobudo karate. They are often associated (incorrectly) with ninjas

My username is a latin phrase that doesn't really make any sense. Its means something like "knowledge defies ignorance" (or perhaps the other way around), and is written using a peculiar combination of words, including both male and female. provided this helpful analysis:

The first sentence is correct, but none of the rest is. It is indeed a nonsensical Latin phrase (meaning something perhaps like "I, [who am] wisdom [and] imprudence, cower"),but it has only two feminine nouns plus the verb "abhorreo" (not a masculine noun), and doesn't exhibit a particularly odd grouping of words, besides being grammatically incorrect. These grammar errors include a wrong case ending for the noun "imprudentia", as well as a wrong personal ending of the verb "abhorrere". The phrase itself seems to be a corruption of "Sapientia abhorret ignorantiam", which is a qoute from the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus translated into Latin, meaning, "knowledge despises ignorance".

Oh well. I was close...

I prefer to go by "abhorreo" when signing my name, for reasons including it being shorter, cooler looking and sounding, and the lone non-female word. I have been thinking about changing to Sai, as it can mean a variety of interesting things, including the martial arts weapon.

My Wikipedia activies

Some of the articles I have been frequenting

Evolution of my signature

the different looks that my nickname has taken


