General Information

Well, for some reason you seem to have stumbled upon this page, so I guess I should tell you something about myself, huh? I'm 25 years old. I was born and raised in Altoona, Pennsylvania, a post-industrial city in the midst of the Allegheny Mountains (which is about the only thing I miss from there). I attended college at RPI in Troy, New York for Computer Engineering, but never completed my degree for a number of reasons. I spent some time living in nearby Albany, New York, which was a big improvement over Troy, working for General Electric as a programmer. Eventually I migrated to Boston, Massachusetts which is where I currently live. I'm currently attempting to go back to college to study political science at Boston University.

I'm very interested in politics and sociology, and I've been known to dabble with theology. I don't claim to be an expert, but I'm learning more every day. Politically, I consider myself a democratic socialist which definately puts me on the left of the political spectrum. I'm a strong atheist, but I'm also very curious about religions especially Judaism and Taoism. It could be said I'm a discordian or nihilist as well. I love music and listen to industrial music, EBM, futurepop, punk rock, skate punk, pop punk, alternative rock, grunge and a multitude of other things.


Anonymous or Unknown
Isaac Asimov
William S. Burroughs
John Mackie
H. L. Mencken
Friedrich Nietzsche
George Orwell
Stephen Roberts
Marquis de Sade
Mark Twain
Lady Speranza Wilde


Last Update: September 6, 2004 Fnords