This page is a negativity free zone. Any nastiness will be removed hastily!




This page is to let you know a little bit more about me. What I like, what I don't like etc. Feel free to make any comments on the talk page. Don't forget that any nastiness could be removed though!

My Skills


Here are some of the things I've studied etc. which I'm proficient/good at, in no particular order.

Hobbies and interests


Some things I like doing, and some things I've done a bit of which I'd love to do more of.



Some things I've never done, which I've always wanted to do.

Political Compass Test:


My political compass.

This means I'm way to the Left/Communist, and way to the south, Libertarian/Anarchist. According to the test that puts me in the same spot as the Dalai Lama, and about as far from George W. Bush as you can get. But don't worry, I avoid political articles anyway.

See Also
