My opinions

While not as active as before, I have continuously been observing the evolution of ArbCom. Ten years ago my feeling was that ArbCom was too harsh, often passing long bans in conflicts that could have been handled more surgically. Today I feel the pendulum has swinged too far the other way, with ArbCom often bending over backwards to accommodate people who have demonstrated serious misconduct. The result has been that too many cases have been closed with half-measured resolutions that allowed the conflict to continue. Thus, we have seen many case names with a "2" or "3" attached to them. Failing to remove the most disruptive elements from the community is a time sink that causes severe detriment to Wikipedia's development. As such my opinions here may tend to show slight favor towards "tougher" candidates. I believe that there is room for considerable leniency in ArbCom cases, but there needs to be a greater willingness to make sometimes painful decisions instead of granting concessions to highly disruptive conduct.

The votes are based on my impressions. Having looked at some of the other voter guides, I see that there are some candidates where I am going against the grain. Some of those whom I oppose may end up elected in which case I hope they take some of my concerns into consideration.

Links to the candidates pages are on the main election page.