The Whiteboard


Feel free to comment on the various things I've got planned. As always, be civil, and whenever possible try to include the Dr. Evil pinky, cliché catch phrases, and any other sort of comedic relief. Try not to add any new projects unless I ask you to; otherwise, I might stumble across it and get that same feeling/look on my face as I get when I walk into a room but forget why I walked into it in the first place. That'd suck. :P

Also, don't feel as though if I have a certain idea listed that you, yourself, can't just say "screw it" and make it yourself (or create your own version of it). By all means, do so. It's less for me to have to worry about. :P If you run across any snags, need any help, inspiration, advice, or just a nerdy and/or sarcastic joke, feel free to drop me a line.

Be sure to sign your posts, but if you found your way here, you probably know that already, 'cause you're a smart cookie.



General Notes


Anti-marketing (RobinBot)

Watches for people adding affiliate marketing links to pages.
Account: RobinBot (talk · contribs · count · api · block log) · (emergency shutdown)

Image Eye

Uses image similarity algorithms to implement image blacklists, locate duplicate images that aren't bit-for-bit, and link images to probable subjects.

Yet Another Bot for Edit Counting (YABEC)

Significantly more in-depth analyzing of RfA candidates than current statistics.


Overall criteria for speedy deletion monitoring and maintenance.

arrseeD (bot)

A bot for interfacing with the arrseeD socket server.


A bot to fill in User:HagermanBot (proactively) and do on-demand signing of unsigned comments for any talk page (retroactively).




A bot to perform maintenance tasks on WP:IFD.


A bot to autoblock reverts by people reported to reporting pages (ex, WP:AIV and WP:UAA) run locally on the tool server or somewhere similar for security reasons.





A thinggymabobber for performing random tasks that I haven't been able to find (or haven't been able to find that work the same way) in other scripts).




A high-volume, event-driven socket server for the recent changes list



Regex processing




Administration addition

>> .hist Star Wars /* asks server to list the current revisionhistory for the Star Wars article */
<< #       | date              | user       | flags | size   | comment
<< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<< 1165859 | 12/25/2007 11:21a | ImmaVandal | m     | 120757 | Merry christmas fuckers-- betcha can't revert this!!!!
<< /* there'd be other revisions in this style. */
>> .rollback [[Star Wars]] [[ImmaVandal]] evil vandalism. /* performs a rollback of edits on Star Wars made by ImmaVandal */
<< By your command. /* confirmation of command execution by server */
>> .hist Star Wars
<< #       | date              | user       | flags | size   | comment
<< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<< 1165860 | 12/25/2007 11:23a | Slakr      | m     | 120757 | Reverted 5 edits by [[User:ImmaVandal]]; evil vandalism.
<< 1165859 | 12/25/2007 11:21a | ImmaVandal | m     | 120757 | Merry christmas fuckers-- betcha can't revert this!!!!
<< /* etc */
>> .hist Star Wars
<< 013\tStar Wars\t1165860\t1152632156\tSlakr\t1\t120757\tReverted 5 edits by [[User:ImmaVandal]]; evil vandalism.\n\r/* etc */ \0
/* end of request */

Watch groups


IRC bot



Update Tim's blacklist extension to be faster and use less regexes, since we're getting close to hitting the limits giving preg an aneurysm.

Adding diffs to api.php

Patch api.php to let allow diffs (so that one doesn't have to get the full contents of each revision




Allow submissions to complex processes such as AfD and sock puppets to be simple and/or interactive.