Where Squidfish came from

Well dont worry, im not gonna say another planet or anything. But there is a short tale of where such an unusual online alias could have come from:

A long time ago, back when PS2 was still good, i wanted to get on the forums for ps2 on the official site, yet i could not think of any name which was not taken already by some other user...so...i turned to a friend who was with me at the time and i said; "Think of a random name"....and he was like "no, way man, you do it!"...and i was like "Please......come on..just take two random words and stick them together or something"...There you have it - Squidfish. Beautiful really.

Sorry, i know that wasnt intersting or cool or anything, but i needed something on this page....Also, could anyone who decieds to edit this page please sign their entry with "~~~~" which gives something like this: Squidfish 09:10, 18 September 2006 (UTC)

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