Svartalf is a self-styled scholar with wide knowledge of many subjects, though often broader than deep, which he regularly tries to improve. While Svartalf is obviously a pen name, it is one he has used consistently by preference to his birthname during the years he has been dealing with online communities. He lives and works in France.

This user fancies Celtic music.
C2H5OH-3This user utilizes alcohol at an advanced level.
D&D This user plays Dungeons & Dragons.
This user enjoys reading anything.
InfallibleThis user can do no wrong, especially when it comes to editing Wikipedia.
This user prefers Islay malts.
This user drinks beer.
This user is a participant in WikiProject Occult.
This user is interested in law.
This user is interested in
ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in linguistics.
This user is interested in the
Middle Ages.

His favorite hobbies include :

Some of his pet subjects include

and I like Wikipedia:Unusual articles

Articles started

Crom (fictional deity), Höfuðlausn, Hypocras, Jean Markale, Louis Mandrin, Oró Sé do Bheatha 'Bhaile, Skofnung, The Black Stone, The Shadow of the Vulture, The Sowers of the Thunder, The Twilight of the Grey Gods,

Contribution self regarded as major

Derketo (Conan) Foggy Dew, Laufey, (it's so short anything is major, and I thing the kenning aspect of the name very significant) Matrilineality, Peter Plogojowitz, Prostitution in Sweden, (another short one where every little bit counts a lot) Ringmail (though I liked it a lot better before it was reduced to a stub), Stater, The Phoenix on the Sword,

That will be all for the time, I'll complete this as inspiration comes. Current project include a French translation of the Nephilim (bible) page User:Svartalf/nephilim : see on french space [1]

My meta wiki user account [2]