
Since November 2004 I've been messing about in Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine astral science/religion/magic, with a view to offering a new look at very early contributions to astrological iconography.

OK, that's a lot to take on - which is why this project is taking some time. I've subdivided it into what I hope are manageable chunks, of which the main ones are: early Mesopotamian religion and magic; Egyptian, Babylonian and Greek astronomy/astrology and magic; the cult of the Bona Dea and/or Magna Mater in Rome and Roman territories; early Iranian religious thought; early Jewish and Arab religion; the cult of Mithras; early Christianity and Christian heresies; Hellenistic Greek and Roman astrology; Byzantine Christianity and astrology; the cult of the black Virgin; alchemy and the tarot; medieval astrology; hermeticism.

My main primary references thus far are as follows.

My main secondary references thus far have been R. Beck, M. Boyce, J. Bidez, A. Bouché-Leclerq, F. Cumont, V. Flint, D. Horowitz, H. Hunger, U. Koch-Westenholz, D. Pingree, E. Reiner, F. Rochberg.

Feel free to write to me about this, if you're interested. In the navigation column on the left, go to Toolbox > E-mail this user.