
Page name: Peaceful world

We are people and we are the best creatures of creation. Many kinds of creatures are living in this world. All the creatures and animals wants a peaceful place or a peaceful world. The present situation of some country is not good. If we want to living with happiness then we should need some pure oxygen, some pure water, a good friend, a good and safe place, some safe and healthy food and some medicine. Is that so all? And the answer is no. We need a family, a society and a country.


We can describe this world as a safe place. But in this world some people of some countries have a security. In real life it is not so much. So a peaceful or a safe world is closer to same. If we search around us then we can see many people are suffering from different problems. Some poor people cannot eat everyday, they are also suffering from diseases and then they have not much to buy some medicine. So we can help them. But some people of our society has not this kind of thinking.


People of present world is so cruel and anxious about nothing. Some people don't want to waste a time for good work. This is a bad habit for us. This for there is no trustworthy amongst us. But we can survive from this bad thing. Every people should realise that one person is a friend of other person. But this is not needed all time. Because there are some cruel and bad person in our society.

Natural equilibrium

We are dependent on nature. Because without natural elements we cannot live for 1 minute. We can get everything from nature what we need. We are cutting trees regularly, throw garbage on water and we are also polluting the air. This all makes the nature out of control and nature is losing it's balance. [Central Aouth:Tanbirzx]