Technical 13/Scripts/NoThanks
Author(s)Technical 13
UpdatedJanuary 26, 2021
    (3 years ago)
Browser supportFirefox
Skin supportVector
SourceUser:Technical 13/Scripts/NoThanks.js

Welcome! This is a very simple documentation for this script that is still in development.

If you wish to use the stable version of this script, add importScript('User:Technical_13/Scripts/NoThanks.js'); // linkback: [[User:Technical_13/Scripts/NoThanks.js]] to your common.js page.

If you wish to use the unstable beta version where I am attempting to add new functionality and a cleaner look, add importScript('User:Technical_13/SandBox/NoThanks.js'); // linkback: [[User:Technical_13/SandBox/NoThanks.js]] to your common.js page.