This article is a list of the known fleets operated by the Free Planets Alliance Star Fleet during the series Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

1st Fleet

FPA 1st Fleet
Commander: Kubersly
Alexander Bucock
Strength: Approx 40,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Unknown ship, later Rio Grande
Stationed: Heinessen
Battles Fought: Battle of Rantemario
Battle of Marr-Adetta
Fate: Destroyed

The Free Planets Alliance's 1st Fleet was the home guard division of the Free Planets Alliance Star Fleet. It was stationed at the capital of Heinessen throughout the series until the Imperial invasion, where it was called up in a desperate measure to delay the enemy advance.



The 1st Fleet remained at Heinessen throughout the war, being held in reserve to protect the capital from unforeseen occurrences. As such, it was not deployed during the invasion of Imperial space and was one of only two fleets to remain unscathed by the shattering defeat, the other being the 11th Fleet which was also kept in reserve. After the Astate Encounter, Admiral Paeta was transferred to command the 1st Fleet after his 2nd Fleet was reorganized along with other survivors into the 13th Fleet. During the military coup by the National Salvation Military Council, the fleet was held in reserve again to defend the capital while the 11th Fleet was dispatched to stop Admiral Yang's advance toward Heinessen. The fleet was denied action during the conflict thanks to Yang's destruction of the Necklace of Artemis, which convinced the Council to surrender without fighting any further battles.

The 1st Fleet first saw action during the Imperial invasion of Alliance space. Now under the command of Admiral Alexander Bucock, it was reinforced with as many ships as could be drawn from system patrol and picket fleets in order to delay the Imperial invasion, bringing its total number up to 39,600 ships. Two fleets were created, the 14th and 15th, under Vice Admiral Carlsen and Vice Admiral Mouton, yet neither fleet was ever considered an independent command, rather serving under the 1st Fleet's command structure. The two fleets met in the Rantemario system, and despite the overwhelming number of Imperial ships, the 1st Fleet managed to hold its own for a period of time thanks to the tactical brilliance of Admiral Bucock. But eventually, the fleet began to wear down, and was on the verge of defeat before Admiral Yang and the 13th Fleet arrived and managed to draw enough attention to allow the 1st Fleet to escape. The 1st Fleet would not fight another battle in this particular conflict, as it was recovering from the battle when Heinessen fell to the Empire and Admiral Yang was ordered to stand down.

As per the surrender treaty, all Alliance battleships and carriers were to be scrapped and destroyed, including those in the 1st Fleet. However, before the demolitions could proceed, the actions of Yang's rebellion brought the Empire back in force to Alliance space. The remaining vessels within the Free Planets Alliance Star Fleet that had not been captured or stolen by Admiral Yang were organized again under the command of Admiral Bucock and moved to the Marr-Adetta star system, where they began to fortify their position within the asteroid belt with mines. When the Imperial fleet arrived to challenge them, the Alliance forces fought tenaciously using every method at their disposal, including the unpredictable solar flares from Marr-Adetta's sun. Once again however, the sheer numbers of the Imperial fleet slowly depleted the Alliance's strength, until only the flagship Rio Grande and a few escorts remained. Refusing an offer to surrender, Admiral Bucock and his senior staff chose to go down fighting, and the remaining ships were destroyed by a final barrage from the Imperial fleet. Out of respect, Kaiser Lohengramm ordered all fleets passing by the wreckage to stand and salute honors to the deceased Admiral Bucock.

2nd Fleet

FPA 2nd Fleet
Flagship Patoroklos
Commander: Paeta
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Patoroklos
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Astate Encounter
Fate: Disbanded/Remnants intergrated into the new 13th Fleet

The Free Planets Alliance's 2nd Fleet was first seen at the Astate Encounter. It is the first posting that then-Commodore Yang Wen-li is shown, and also serves as his first fleet command once Admiral Paeta is incapacitated. After the Astate Encounter, it is merged with other survivors from the battle to become the 13th Fleet under the newly promoted Rear Admiral Yang Wen-li.



The 2nd Fleet is first shown in September of U.C. 795, near the gas giant Legnica. It was attempting to launch a sneak attack on the Empire's Iserlohn Fortress, but sensor disturbances revealed the fleet's position and Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm's Expeditionary Fleet was ordered to intercept them. Commodore Yang Wen-li observes the battle between the two forces within Legnica's atmosphere, which results in minimal damage to both sides as a result of Reinhard's plan. After superheating the gas giant's atmosphere, Reinhard detonates a fusion warhead which sets off a chain reaction within the now-supercharged atmosphere. Yang's quick thinking saves the flagship, but the fleet suffers major damage and is forced to withdraw. It later takes part in a line battle against the Iserlohn garrison fleet, in which it is again soundly defeated by Reinhard's superior tactical skill. The fleet is able to withdraw without any further casualties thanks to Yang's brave actions, which force Reinhard to allow the fleet to escape unmolested.

Later, the 2nd Fleet was one of three Alliance Fleets that cornered an Imperial fleet under the command of High Admiral Reinhard von Musel. Despite their numerical superiority, the Alliance fleets were spread out and caught by surprise when Admiral Musel launched a sudden assault. By targeting each Alliance fleet individually, he was able to rout the first two fleets and managed to surprise the 2nd Fleet. During the battle, Admiral Paeta was injured and turned command over the Commodore Yang, who managed to turn the battle into a draw. After the battle, the survivors were grouped with survivors from the other two fleets as well as new recruits from the Academy to become the 13th Fleet. Admiral Paeta is transferred to command the 1st Fleet and Rear Admiral Yang takes command of the new 13th Fleet.

3rd Fleet

FPA 3rd Fleet
Flagship Ku Horin
Commander: Lufeber
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Ku Horin
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Battle of Lesing
Fate: Destroyed/Surrendered

The 3rd Fleet was one of the fleets ordered to participate in the invasion of Imperial space after the capture of the Empire's Iserlohn Fortress. It was commanded by Vice Admiral Lufeber, and with the rest of the invasion force it entered Imperial territory and advanced deep into Imperial space. The fleet eventually settled around the planet Lesing, where it was ambushed by an Imperial force under the command of Admiral Wahlen.



After proceeding deep into Imperial space, the fleet eventually paused over the planet Lesing. During this period, it was ambushed along with all other Alliance fleets by a large Imperial force. The Imperial fleet that engaged the 3rd Fleet was commanded by Imperial Admiral Wahlen, and during the battle a stray shot caused a nearby vessel to veer out of control and collide with the flagship Ku Horin, pushing both into the planet's surface where the ships were destroyed. After the destruction of the fleet flagship, it is unclear what happened to the remainder of the fleet, but it is assumed to be either destroyed or captured.

4th Fleet

FPA 4th Fleet
Flagship Leonidas
Commander: Pastoll
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Leonidas
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Astate Encounter
Fate: Disbanded/Remnants intergrated into the new 13th Fleet

The 4th Fleet was one of the three fleets participating in the Astate Encounter. It was the first fleet to be attacked by the Imperial force it attempted to corner, and was heavily damaged in the surprise assault. Most of its heavy capital ships were destroyed and its fighters were destroyed before they could launch from their carriers. After the battle, the survivors were merged with the survivors of the 2nd and 6th Fleets and a contingent of new recruits to form the 13th Fleet under Admiral Yang Wen-li.



The 4th Fleet was one of three fleets that had managed to corner an Imperial fleet within the Iserlohn Corridor. However, the division of the Alliance fleets allowed the Imperial fleet, which was larger than any single Alliance fleet, to attack each fleet one at a time, the first being the 4th Fleet. A lack of preparation and foresight on the part of the Alliance commanders allowed the Empire to attack while the fleet's defenses were wholly unprepared. The assault itself happened so quickly that the 4th Fleet was unable to launch its fighter complement and were cut to pieces by the combined assault of the Imperial battleships and its fighter escorts. It is not certain what happened to the Leonidas and Admiral Pastoll, but they were most likely destroyed since the flagship would have been a very high priority target.

5th Fleet

FPA 5th Fleet
Flagship Rio Grande
Commander: Alexander Bucock
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Rio Grande
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Battle of Birlost
Battle of Amlitzer
Fate: Disbanded

The 5th Fleet was the original command of Alexander Bucock at the start of the series. He leads the fleet during the ill-fated invasion of Imperial space. Thanks to Yang Wen-li's warning, however, the fleet is not destroyed and is able to evacuate to the Amlitzer system, and eventually return to Iserlohn Fortress. Despite its largely successful retreat, the fleet takes heavy casualties and is disbanded shortly after.



The 5th Fleet advanced into Imperial space with the rest of the Alliance invasion force, meeting little resistance until it stopped in the Birlost system. At Admiral Yang's advice, Admiral Bucock kept the fleet alert and ready to move at a moment's notice. He also tried to inform Commander-in-Chief Lobos of the possibility of an enemy assault, but was rebuffed. While waiting in the Birlost system, the fleet was attacked by an Imperial fleet under the command of Admiral Oskar von Reuental, and Admiral Bucock ordered a full retreat to preserve his forces, knowing that the rest of the fleets were being attacked as well. Before reaching Iserlohn, the fleet was ordered to regroup with the rest of the surviving fleets in the Amlitzer system. During the Imperial attack on the Amlitzer system, it took heavy casualties before withdrawing under cover from Admiral Yang's 13th Fleet. Returning to Iserlohn, it was presumably disbanded and reintegrated into other fleets while Admiral Bucock was promoted to Space Fleet Commander.

6th Fleet

FPA 6th Fleet
Flagship Pergamonn
Commander: Moore
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Pergamonn
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Astate Encounter
Fate: Disbanded/Remnants intergrated into the new 13th Fleet

The Alliance 6th Fleet was first seen at the Astate Encounter, where it had managed to corner an Imperial fleet under the command of Admiral Lohengramm with the assistance of the Alliance 2nd and 4th Fleets. Commodore Yang's friend and former academy classmate Lt. Cmdr. Jean Robert Lap was assigned to the fleet which was under the command of Vice Admiral Moore. The fleet was the second to be attacked by Admiral Lohengramm's fleet, and suffered heavy casualties.



The 6th Fleet was one of the three Alliance fleets that cornered an Imperial fleet within the Iserlohn Corridor. Relying on the weight of their numbers, they spread out and surrounded the enemy, which allowed the Imperial fleet under Admiral Lohengramm to easily destroy the fleets individually. After attacking and crippling the 4th Fleet, the Imperial fleet attacked the 6th Fleet while the 2nd Fleet was underway to assist the now-useless 4th Fleet. Despite Lt. Cmdr. Lap's suggestion that the 6th Fleet combine with the 2nd Fleet, Vice Admiral Moore also directed his fleet to aid the 4th Fleet, and was intercepted along the way by the victorious Imperial fleet. The battle was short and resulted in tremendous casualties for the 6th Fleet, which was disbanded after the conclusion of the battle and the survivors integrated into the newly formed 13th Fleet.

7th Fleet

FPA 7th Fleet
Flagship Kettlecoater
Commander: Hoghwood
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Kettlecoater
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Battle of Dweg
Fate: Surrendered

The 7th Fleet was one of the fleets ordered to participate in the invasion of Imperial space after the capture of the Empire's Iserlohn Fortress. It was commanded by Vice Admiral Hoghwood, and with the rest of the invasion force it entered Imperial territory and advanced deep into Imperial space. It was deployed over the Dweg starzone, where it was attacked by an enemy fleet under the command of Admiral Kircheis.



The 7th Fleet is first seen during the invasion of the Empire, where it is ambushed by an Imperial fleet under the command of Vice-Admiral Siegfried Kircheis. Outmatched, outnumbered and suffering from a severe supply shortage brought up by severed supply lines, the battle quickly turned against the 7th Fleet. Consequently, Hoghwood accepted Kircheis' offer to surrender his fleet instead of fighting a highly disadvantageous battle.

8th Fleet

FPA 8th Fleet
Flagship Krishna
Commander: Appleton
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Krishna
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Battle of Wansteidt

Battle of Amlitzer

Fate: Disbanded

After the 13th Fleet had managed to secure Iserlohn fortress, the Alliance government ordered a vast invasion of the Empire. The 8th Fleet, under the command of Vice Admiral Appleton, was one of the fleets intergrated into the operation. It was stationed in the Wansteidt Starzone as the Alliance forces advanced into Imperial Space. Eventually, it was ambushed by an enemy fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Mecklinger.



The 8th Fleet is first seen during the invasion of the Empire, where it is ambushed by an Imperial fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Mecklinger. Although suffering from a supply shortage like the rest of the Alliance forces, the 8th Fleet fared better than many other Alliance units. Admiral Appleton managed to withdraw his forces and maintain a coherent command, although he lost nearly a third of his fleet in the process.

The 8th Fleet later took part in the ill-fated Battle of Amlitzer, where the 8th Fleet's flagship Krishna was crippled and slowly descended into the crushing atmosphere of Amlitzer's sun, and was eventually destroyed. Admiral Appleton elected to go down with the ship, and the 8th Fleet quickly lost coherence afterwards. Its remnants were led back to Alliance Space by Admiral Bucock, where the 8th Fleet was disbanded soonafter.

9th Fleet

FPA 9th Fleet
Flagship Palamedes
Commander: Al Salem
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Palamedes
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Battle of Alweis

Battle of Amlitzer

Fate: Disbanded

After the 13th Fleet's victory culminating in the taking of Iserlohn fortress, the Alliance government ordered an invasion of the Empire with 8 fleets. The 9th Fleet, under the command of Vice Admiral Al Salem, was one of the fleets ordered into the operation. It was stationed in the Alweis Starzone as the Alliance forces advanced into Imperial Space. Eventually, it was ambushed by an enemy fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Mittermyer.



Little is known of the 9th Fleet's service before its participation in the invasion force. Stationned around the Alweis Starzone, this fleet, like the rest of the Alliance forces, were suffering from severe supply shortage, lowering its battle abilities. It was ambushed by an enemy fleet under Mittermyer. The enemy fleet was so quick to deploy that it caught the 9th Fleet completely by surprise, allowing unopposed opening volleys, which damaged the flagship Palamedes and resulted in Al Salem being wounded and unable to command. Command was passed to Rear Admiral Mouton, who managed to extract his forces from the conflict, although at the cost of over half the fleet being lost.

The remnants of the 9th Fleet were ordered to Amlitzer, where it participated in the ill-fated battle under the orders of either the 5th or the 8th Fleet. Eventually, mounting losses forced the Alliance to retreat back to Iserlohn, and the 9th Fleet's command was put under Admiral Bucock's command. The remaining ships returned to Heinessen, where the fleet was disbanded and incorporated into the surviving fleets.

10th Fleet

FPA 10th Fleet
Flagship Bang-Goo
Commander: Uranff
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Bang-Goo
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Battle of Lügen

Battle of Amlitzer

Fate: Disbanded

When the 13th Fleet under Rear Admiral Yang managed to conquer Iserlohn Fortress, the Alliance government ordered an invasion force, composed of eight fleets, to invade the Empire. The 10th Fleet, under the command of Vice Admiral Uranff was one of the fleets sent. It was stationed at the Lügen Starzone, where it was eventually attacked by an imperial fleet under Vice Admiral Bittenfield.



Little is known of the 10th Fleet's service before its participation in the invasion force. Stationned around the Lügen Starzone, this fleet, like the rest of the Alliance forces, were suffering from severe supply shortage, lowering its battle abilities. It was attacked by an enemy fleet under the command of Bittenfield. Unlike many of the Alliance fleets, the 10th Fleet held its ground under the command of Uranff, who showed himself a match for Bittenfield. However, the supply shortage and the enemy's greater numbers began to take its toll, until 40% of the fleet was lost, and the rest was nearing collapse. Having to choose between surrender and retreat, Uranff chose the latter, and led a strong assault which allowed nearly half the fleet to break out of Bittenfield's siege and run away. Tragically, Admiral Uranff did not survive the battle, as he had ordered his flagship to act as rear guard until the last possible moment. The Bang-Goo was destroyed by heavy enemy bombardment.

The remnants of the 10th Fleet were ordered to Amlitzer, where it participated in the ill-fated battle under the orders of either the 5th or the 8th Fleet. Eventually, mounting losses forced the Alliance to retreat back to Iserlohn, and the remaining 10th Fleet was put under Admiral Bucock's command. The remaining ships returned to Heinessen, where the fleet was disbanded and incorporated into the surviving fleets.

11th Fleet

FPA 11th Fleet
Flagship Leonidas II
Commander: Lagrange
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Leonidas II
Stationed: Unknown, later Heinessen
Battles Fought: Battle of Doria
Fate: Destroyed

When the 13th Fleet under Rear Admiral Yang managed to conquer Iserlohn Fortress, the Alliance government ordered an invasion force, composed of eight fleets, to invade the Empire. The 11th Fleet was one of the two fleets - the 1st being the other - which was ordered to stay behind and guard the homeland, under the command of Vice Admiral Lagrange. When Admiral Dwight Greenhill staged a Coup d'État in UC 796, Lagrange defected to his side and secured his fleet to aid the rebellion. This eventually led to a confrontation with the 13th Fleet, which had remained loyal to the government.



Little is known of the 11th Fleet's service, save that it was one of the two fleets ordered to guard the homeland while the ill-fated invasion of the Empire took place. The failure of the leadership in this instance led several officers to stage a Coup d'État, partly through the efforts of a former Alliance Rear Admiral turned traitor. Lagrange, a member of the rebel National Salvation Council, brought the 11th Fleet with him as the Council's mobile space force. The council soon found itself challenged by Yang Wenli and the 13th Fleet, which remained loyal to the democratically-elected Alliance government. Consequently, the 13th Fleet launched to stop the rebellion, and the 11th Fleet was launched in response to stop it.

An attempt was made to mislead and eventually assassinate Yang, but Yang's command saw through the ploy and foiled it, and the two forces met at the Doria Starzone. There, the 13th Fleet immediately gained the upper hand, launching a surprise flanking assault and outmatching the 11th Fleet in both speed and fleet movements. Within hours, the 11th Fleet was much reduced, and Lagrange took his own life rather than surrendering. Following their fleet commander's cue, the rest of the 11th refused Yang's offer to surrender, and chose obliteration. All ships were eventually either destroyed or captured by the 13th Fleet.

12th Fleet

FPA 12th Fleet
Flagship Perun
Commander: Borodin
Strength: Approx 13,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Perun
Stationed: Unknown
Battles Fought: Battle of Borson
Fate: Destroyed

When the 13th Fleet under Rear Admiral Yang managed to conquer Iserlohn Fortress, the Alliance government ordered an invasion force, composed of eight fleets, to invade the Empire. The 12th Fleet, under the command of Vice Admiral Borodin was one of the fleets sent. It was stationed at the Borson Starzone, where it was eventually attacked by an imperial fleet under Vice Admiral Lutz.



Little is known of the 12th Fleet's service before its participation in the invasion force. Stationned around the Borson Starzone, this fleet, like the rest of the Alliance forces, were suffering from severe supply shortage, lowering its battle abilities. It was attacked by an enemy fleet under the command of Lutz. Although Borodin launched his fleet in a stalwart defense, his forces were quickly overwhelmed, and his fleet was nearly completely destroyed in the ensuing battle. When only nine ships remained of the fleet's combat strength, Borodin chose to take his own life rather than surrendering. The 12th Fleet being effectively annihilated, Rear Admiral Conally, the surviving ranking officer, surrendered the remaining nine ships to Wahlen.

13th Fleet

FPA 13th Fleet
Flagship Hyperion
Commander: Yang Wen-li
Strength: Approx 17,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Hyperion
Stationed: Heinessen, later Iserlohn Fortress
Battles Fought: Seventh Iserlohn Offensive
Battle of Jawanhahr
Second Battle of Dwelg
Battle of Amlitzer
Battle of Doria
Eighth Iserlohn Offensive
Ninth Iserlohn Offensive
Battle of Rantemario
Battle of the Black Hole
Battle of Vermillon
Fate: Disbanded / Fled to form the core of the independent Yang Fleet

Initially formed as an independent project, the 13th Fleet was initially a thrown-together half-fleet of surviving veterans and new recruits from the Astate Encounter placed under the command of the newly promoted Rear Admiral Yang, the hero of both El Facil and Astate. It was given the nigh-impossible task of capturing the supposedly impregnable Iserlohn Fortress. Its success resulted in its reinforcement a full fleet, and the 13th Fleet eventually became the most effective fleet on either side of the conflict, remaining undefeated until the climatic Battle of Vermillon.



The 13th Fleet is a direct result of the disastrous Astate Encounter, which saw the 2nd Fleet significantly damaged, and the 4th and 6th Fleets even more so. Taking what remained of the 4th and 6th, and assigning some new recruits and ships, Fleet Admiral Sitolet, the commander-in-chief of the Alliance forces, assigned those ships under the command of the newly-promoted Rear Admiral Yang as the 13th Fleet. This fleet, numbering around 6,700 ships, was not considered a full fleet, thus was given to Yang despite him holding the lesser rank of rear admiral. Its first assignment was to capture the impregnable Iserlohn Fortress from the Empire. This task was considered impossible, as six large Alliance armadas had been launched over the years to capture it, and all of these had been beaten back with heavy losses.

However, using the infiltration and famous ground combat prowess of the Rosen Ritter brigade, the 13th Fleet succeeded in taking Iserlohn without a single casualty. This feat made Yang an instant living legend, and earned him the moniker "Miracle" Yang, and "Yang The Magician." Yang was promoted to Vice Admiral as a result. Eventually, as the Alliance forces prepared to invade the Galactic Empire, over 6,000 ships from the former 2nd Fleet were added to Yang's command, bringing the total to the roughly 13,000 ship strength of a full fleet. The 13th Fleet was one of the eight fleets ordered to invade the Empire, and was stationed at the Jawanhahr Starzone, where it was attacked by Vice Admiral Kempf's fleet.

Unlike most of the other fleets, Yang had seen through the Empire's ploy, and his fleet was better supplied and prepared to meet the enemy. After a few hours, the 13th Fleet gained the upper hand against Kempf's forces. However, seeing the bigger picture, Yang decided to leave the sector instead of continuing the battle, preserving his forces to fight another day.

The 13th Fleet would later meet Siegfried Kircheis' fleet, which numbered four times as many ships. Although outnumbered and facing a capable commander, Yang, aided by Kircheis' reluctance to destroy the enemy forces, managed to keep the fight strongly enough eventually responding to the call for all Alliance forces to gather at Amlitzer. During the following battle, the 13th Fleet was instrumental in weakening the Imperial forces enough to enable a full retreat, and it returned to Heinessen with the remnants of the defeated invasion force.

The refurbished 13th Fleet was then assigned to Iserlohn Fortress as its stationed fleet, with Yang Wen-li promoted to full Admiral. Its only sortie during the time it held the fortress was when disgruntled elements of the Alliance military instigated a coup d'état. Refusing to betray the legitimate Alliance government, Yang commanded the 13th Fleet in retaking strategic points from the rebels, soundly defeated rebellious 11th Fleet at Doria, and eventually toppled the rebel National Salvation Council. The 13th Fleet then returned to Iserlohn.

By then, the 13th Fleet had the reputation as a fearsome force, led by an leader with military talent equal only to Reinhard von Lohengram himself. Despite Yang's absence during much of the battle, the 13th Fleet under the temporary command of former Imperial Admiral Merkatz managed to hold its own when the Empire attempted to use Geiersburg Fortress to destroy Iserlohn in the Eighth Iserlohn Offensive, and managed to hold its own against the 60,000 ships which made up the Ninth Iserlohn Offensive. At that time, however, the Empire was leading 120,000 ships through the defenseless Phezzan Corridor, and Yang decided to abandon the fortress to allow his fleet to engage the main body of the invasion fleet, booby trapping the fortress before his departure. It evacuated Iserlohn, and eventually resettled its civilian population before joining the fight at Rantemario, causing enough confusion to allow the nearly defeated 1st Fleet the chance to retreat and regroup.

With the 1st Fleet unable to fight, the 13th Fleet was the only combat-ready fleet in the Alliance Star Fleet. Yang Wen-li was promoted to Fleet Admiral, and what ships were immediately available for fighting were put under his command, boosting the fleet's size to over 17,000 ships. Using successful guerilla tactics, Yang managed to cut a large portion of the enemy supply lines, greatly damaged Admiral Steinmetz's fleet, and damaged both Lennenkampf and Wahlen's forces, drawing the ire of Grand Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm himself, who issued an implied challenge to Yang. Seeing a chance to end the conflict, Yang and his 13th Fleet met Lohengramm and his personal fleet in battle at Vermillion Starzone.

After several skirmishes during which both commanders displayed their tactical brilliance, the 13th Fleet, despite horrendous losses, gained the upper hand, destroying 87% of both the Lohengramm Fleet and the would-be rescue fleet led by Admiral Mueller. However, as the Alliance forces were within seconds of destroying Reinhard's flagship, an order came for the 13th Fleet to stand down; the Alliance government had surrendered to the Empire.

Despite having victory in his grasp, Yang dutifully obeyed and stood down. However, before officially returning to Heinessen for the 13th Fleet's disbanding, Yang ordered a few ships under the command of ex-imperial Admiral Merkatz to slip away and hide, in order to build a force to be used when Lohengramm's rule would weaken. Although the 13th Fleet was then disbanded, most of the surviving ships and crews would eventually join the Alliance-based force later known as the Yang Fleet.

Yang Fleet

Yang Fleet
Flagship Ulysses
Commander: Willibald Joachim Von Merkatz,
later Yang Wen-li,
later Julian Minci,
later Dusty Attenborough (current)
Strength: Approx 20,000 ships (peak)
Flagship: Initially Leda II,
later officially Ulysses
Stationed: Various, later El Facil, later Iserlohn Fortress
Battles Fought: Tenth Iserlohn Offensive
War of the Corridor
Battle of Shiva
Fate: Active

Although not officially an Alliance fleet, the Yang Fleet was formed out of Alliance ships and crews following the Alliance's surrender in UC 799. Initally small, it grew powerful under former Alliance Fleet Admiral Yang, eventually capturing Iserlohn Fortress, and managing to hold back most of the Imperial Fleet. Weakened by Yang Wen-Li's assassination, the Yang Fleet's remaining ships rallied under Julian Minci, which allowed for a negociated peace with Reinhard von Lohengramm.



Following the Alliance's surrender, Yang Wen-li, commander of the 13th Fleet, sent a few ships under the command of former imperial Admiral Merkatz to hide in bases the Empire would have no knowledge of. Initially numbering only around 60 ships, the small group began to steal Alliance ships and attract Alliance soldiers who couldn't live under imperial occupation. Eventually, Yang Wen-li, betrayed by the desperate Alliance government, returned to space and took command of the fleet. It took the official name Yang Irregulars, much to Admiral Yang's distate. Under his fame and guidance, it grew from a small force into a fleet of several thousand ships, attracting many Alliance war veterans and thus becoming an highly skilled, albeit rogue, force.

Needing an headquarters, Yang elected to go to the seceding planet of El Facil after it became impossible to return to Heinessen. There, the Yang Irregulars officially became the El Facil Revolutionary Reserve Force, with a clear command structure. Its first operation was to retake Iserlohn, for which 1,500 or so ships were sent. The plan was a success, thanks to Merkatz's guile and the 'trick' left behind when the Alliance was forced to abandon the fortress months ago. The Yang Fleet quickly moved in, continuing to receive additional forces, most notably over 5,500 ships from Admirals Trung and Bucock of the Alliance. A few ships also joined from the last Alliance - Imperial battle at Mar-Adetta. By the time the Empire came to retake Iserlohn, the Yang Fleet numbered over 20,000 ships.

Although outnumbered more than 7 to 1, the Yang Fleet held its own against Kaiser Reinhard's armada, destroying over 30,000 enemy ships during the War of the Corridor. The Yang Fleet, however, also incurred much damage, and the loss of Vice-Admiral Edwin Fisher, who was masterful in moving the fleet according to Yang's exacting plans, effectively crippled it. However, the Kaiser took ill during this time, and the Empire retreated from the field, effectively giving the Yang Fleet the victory in the engagement.

Disaster later struck when Admiral Yang, responding to the Kaiser's wish for peace talks, was murdered by members of the Terraists, a shadowy organization which had no wish for the two men to make peace. The Yang Fleet was irreversibly crippled by the loss of its legendary leader, and much of the crews decided to go back to imperial territory and surrendered, having bet only upon Yang's military brilliance. Effectively, only 9,800 ships remained, severely undermanned, of the formerly powerful fleet. Command then fell to Lieutenant Julian Minci. Although a junior officer, he was recognized as the one closest to Admiral Yang's mindset, and had much of his mentor/foster father's military ability.

The Yang Fleet remained neutral at Iserlohn, eventually being abandonned by El Facil and forming the neutral Republic of Iserlohn. Its last formal engagement was the Battle of Shiva Starzone, where the outmatched fleet held its own long enough to force a cease-fire. During this battle, Minci gave official command to Vice-Admiral Attenborough, one of Yang's closest friends, and a battle-hardened veteran.

Later, Minci managed to broker a peace with the Empire, ensuring the Balaat Starzone (including former Free Planets Alliance capitol world Heinessen) to be an independent power in exchange for Iserlohn Fortress. As such, the Yang Fleet, under Attenborough, is the only Alliance-derived fleet to be active as of the end of the series.