
The list below shows articles which contain a commonly misspelled word. It was generated on 5th July 2004 from the 1st July 2004 database dump.


The Typo Team have compiled a list of commonly mis-spelled or mis-typed words in the English-language wikipedia along with correct spellings. The list below shows articles containing the mis-spelled words. Check if the spelling is indeed wrong and fix it if so.

Suggested improvements

I vote leave them (not that I really have vote to begin with). I have pretty much fixed all the km², errors mentioned in this list. I have a few to go but it would be great to get a refresh. Also there are many sq mi that could be converted to mi² and I have even seen cu everything (as in x³). I have also been searching for other unit errors like mhz (should be MHz) and no spaces in between stuff (like 3m, bad). Would it be possible to generate a new report that just looks for improper use of units? Thanks! Hobie 03:34, 2004 Sep 20 (UTC)
Oh well - good job! Yes, I can generate reports showing incorrect units if you'd like. I am however a bit behind with my plans here for now - sadly real life has presented me with some real work needing done. The best plan would be for me to work up reports showing your examples above (<word boundary>mhz<word boundary> and <word boundary><number><m><word boundary>). We can play with the rules used to generate it until happy then work up a more complete list of 'common unit problems' if you like. Watch this space. - TB 13:41, Sep 20, 2004 (UTC)


This list only contains a subset of the commonly misspelled words for now.

List removed, hideously out of date. - TB 17:59, 31 December 2005 (UTC)