I monitor some pages about Latvia, but I haven't written any articles.

I have a BSc in Computer Science from Riga Technical University, and I completed a Masters degree in Economics (more like MBA actually) in University of Latvia in year 2005.

The Outrage Which Shall Not, Yeah Whatever

This user is a member of the Association of Inclusionist Wikipedians.

The motto of the AIW is conservata veritate, which translates to "with the preserved truth".
This motto reflects the inclusionist desire to change Wikipedia only when no knowledge would be lost as a result.


Valters 09:10, 4 December 2006 (UTC)

I am outraged at this Notability policy, where articles are being destroyed just because someone thinks they are "not important", "not interesting", "not encyclopedic", "unremarkable".

Here's some quotes from people deleting articles:

In some instances, deletion of articles amounts to destroying information, not preserving or cataloguing it! For example, Slashdot subculture article - yes, it's orginal research, yes, it is not quite notable, yes it's poorly written, but it's interesting damnit! And the only place where this information is collected is Wikipedia.

When article is deleted, this information vanishes. And that is a loss. Well technically the article may be still available on answers.com. (I wonder if they replicate Wikipedia deletes as well.)

I think, when an article is deleted, it discourages it's authors to contribute. People feel rejected, and are less likely to contribute to Wikipedia in future (or more inclined to vandalize or just stop giving a shit).

I am now writing an essay on this phenomenon. User:Valters/Notability_Disability