Who am I? There is an inconceivable oneness and difference, in relation to the individual soul (me) and the Supreme Being. The path to uniting the soul with the Supreme Being is Yoga.

Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Lord Krishna, Supreme Personality of Godhead. No intermediate apostle, prophet, saint, messiah involved. All verses - direct word of God. Jesus went to India between ages 13 and 30 to learn Krishna-neeti (Christianity) from sages. Christ means Krishna. Buddha attained Nirvana and preached compassion and non-violence. Muhammad was a worshipper of the Shiva Lingam idol in Kaaba. Adonai means Lord, Yahweh means The Existing One, Allah and Elohim mean an all-powerful deity from an existing religion. Let's understand first that we are all one.