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Cancer (Symbol:♋; Greek:Καρκινος; Transliteration: Karkinos/Carcinus) is the fourth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Cancer. It spans the 90-120th degree of the zodiac, between 90 and 125.25 degree of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area on average between June 21 and July 21, and under the sidereal zodiac, the Sun transits this area between approximately July 16 and August 15. A person under this sign is called a Moon child. The symbol of the crab is based on the Karkinos, the Greek form of Cancer. a giant crab that harassed Hercules during his fight with the Hydra.[1] The Cancer-Leo cusp lasts from July 21 to July 27.



Cancer lies east of Gemini, west of Leo and underneath Hydra, also can be recognized by the Beehive Cluster, Praesepe.[2] Along with Scorpio and Pisces, the constellations form the Watery Trigon.[2] The Watery Trigon is one of four elemental trigons, fiery, earthy, airy, and watery.[3] When a trigon is influential, it affects changes on earth.[3] Cancer is said to be the house of Neptune and the exaltation of Jupiter, both astronomical bodies having influence over those born under Cancer.[4][5] The right ascension of Cancer is 8 h 38.96 m.[6] Its declination is +19 degrees 48.35 m and it is located in quadrant NQ2.[6] Cancer is most visible at 21:00 in March between the latitudes of +90 and -60 degrees.[6]



The sign of Cancer is said to be associated with the characteristics: watery, phlegmatic, feminine, cardinal, northern, commanding,fair, active, loyal, brave, kind, and fruitful.[4] Those who are born from June 21 to July 22 are born under Cancer.[7][8] Cancer is a northern sign and its opposite Southern sign is Capricorn.[4][5] Those born under Cancer can have a fair pale complexion, oval face, grey blue eyes, straight voice, large upper body, slender arms, small feet, and an effeminate constitution.[4] Places that Cancer is associated with are the sea, rivers, brooks, wells, wash-houses, marsh grounds, and trenches.[5] The areas of the body that Cancer governs are the breast and the stomach.[4] Cancerians are said to be people of sensation and feeling. They tend to go by their own intuition as opposed to reasonable advice.[9] People under Cancer are also said to reflect the qualities of the moon. This causes their emotions to sometimes swing from high to low and a Cancerian can sometimes be smothering in nature.[9] Since the domain of Neptune is at night, Cancerians are suited to the night when their creativity is high.They are also very active in the day.[9]



In Astrological terms, Cancer is the cardinal water type. Also referred to as a Mother. The type of personality to be seen with Cancer are motherly, protector and nurturer.

Three classes of Cancer


June 21 - July 3


People born during this class of Cancer are said to be exceedingly under the influence the Moon.[9] They seem to be loyal, brave, kind and are very lovely, though their temper is fair it might shift as the moon changes phases. Even though this cancer is said to be moody they are quite kind and reassuring.They are considered royalty. in nature.[9]

July 4 - July 13


Individuals born into this class of Cancer are said to have developed a high degree of concentration and want more than an average life.[9] They are sometimes possessive and domineering toward loved ones but are also loyal and will do their best to help them achieve happiness.[9]

July 14 - July 22


Those who are in this class of Cancer have the influence of both Cancer and Pisces.[9] This class of Cancers love others unconditionally.[9]



Cancer began in Babylon under the ancient name of "Al Lul" or "Bulag", meaning the Wicked One. The Cancer constellation is referred to as the "Gate of Men" due to consideration of Cancer being the highest point of Heaven. Also, souls were known to utilize this constellation to descend from Heaven down to Earth.





In the Astrology lore, Cancer is seen as a creation. Approximately 2700 years ago, when the sun passed the Beehive cluster during the northern hemisphere summer solstice, it was referred to as the "Apex of the Zodiacs". In which gives Cancer the term of "Gate of Men".

Greek mythology


The story of Cancer the Crab is said to be connected to Hercules. Some storytellers say that during Hercules's fight with Hydra, Hera, sent a crab to snap at Hercules's toes because Hera had sworn to kill Hercules.[10] Hercules was able to kill the crab by smashing its shell with his foot.[11] As a reward for its efforts serving her, Hera placed the crab in the sky and it became Cancer.[11]

Another lore of Cancer is said to be connected with Bacchus. However, this lore only refers to two stars of Cancer; δ Cancri and γ Cancri. Bacchus arrived at an impassable marsh. At this marsh, Bacchus saw to donkeys and rode them to get to his destination, the Temple of Jove. After his travel with both of them, Bacchus thanked them and sent them up to the stars.

Chinese mythology


In Chinese star lore, Cancer is in the 23rd of the 28 mansions or xiu.[12] This mansion is called Gui which roughly translates to "ghosts".[12] The Chinese divided the sky into four quarters, each with its own direction, season, and mythical creature. Cancer exists in the Red (Vermillion) Bird of the south. It is associated with summer.[12]

Chaldaean Mythology


In Chaldaean lore, Cancer acted as a gate in which man first came to Earth.


  2. Allen, Richard Hinckley (1899). Star-names and Their Meanings. G.E. Stechert. p. 107. Retrieved 28 October 2014.
  3. Harkness, Deborah E. (1999). John Dee's Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature. Cambridge University Press. p. 70. Retrieved 11 November 2014.
  4. Smith, Robert Cross (1828). A manual of astrology, by Raphael. Oxford University. p. 64. Retrieved 28 October 2014.
  5. Lilly, William (1835). An introduction to astrology, rules for the practice of horary astrology [an abstract of Christian astrology]: to which are added, numerous emendations, by Zadkiel. Oxford University. pp. 14, 60. Retrieved 11 November 2014.
  6. "Nothing But The Facts About Constellation Cancer". Bright Hub. Retrieved 28 October 2014.
  7. Shoemaker, Mrs. Mabel (McGeorge) (1904). Astrology. Penn Publishing Company. p. 27. Retrieved 28 October 2014.
  8. "Cancer". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 11 November 2014.
  9. "Cancer". Retrieved 11 November 2014.
  10. French, Sue (March 2001). "What a Crab!". Sky & Telescope 101 (3): 93. Retrieved 11 November 2014.
  11. "Cancer". Windows to the Universe. Retrieved 11 November 2014.
  12. Ridpath, Ian. "Charting the Chinese Sky". Ian Ridpath. Retrieved 11 November 2014.
  13. Calhoun, Cynthia (2014) "Cancer the Crab Constellation - Stars, Facts, Myths - Zodiac Series". Hub Pages. Retrieved 23 March 2015.
  14. McClure, Bruce (2014) "Cancer? Here's Your Constellation". Earthsky Communications Inc. Retrieved 23 March 2015.
  15. Houlding, Deborah "Star Lore of the Constellations Cancer: The Crab". Earthscript. Retrieved 23 March 2015.
  16. Stenudd, Stefan "Cancer Zodiac Sign" n.p. Retrieved 23 March 2015
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