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These are some of my windmills, a.k.a. pet peeves, a.k.a. hills willing to die on.

Medical disinformation

Alternative medicine is NOT medicine. I am removing with great prejudice homeopathinc, traditional or naturist "remedies" from medical sections and moving them to wherever is appropriate: History, Traditional use, Cultural, and so on. At the very least I add the label "citation needed".

Alternative medicine is dangerous. Period. Whether it is out of sheer venal profiteering off of the medically-uneducated or naive beliefs of same, it is still dangerous. For:

Because I am of the principle to add to Wikipedia, rather than delete - even if I personally think there are some statements presented as facts which can be very deleterious indeed - I don't delete these statements; just move them where they belong, to historical use/cultural beliefs or whahaveyous, sections describing the childhood stage of medical thinking, and not the present.


I am, after all is said and done, a scientist to the core both by training and by inclination. Everything I do on Wikipedia (should) reflect that.

In science, any compromise between a correct statement and a wrong statement is a wrong statement. Thanks, user:Stephan Schulz!.

Aldous Huxley famously asserted that "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”. Yes, yes they do. Take history. Facts happened. Reality happened. We know as "facts" what the historical consensus tells us. That is not a fact, that's a widely held opinion. Facts that are ignored they do cease to exist, unfortunately. Not in the beginning. It takes time and multitudes of ignoring minds, but eventually they can fade out of existence.

You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic. Robert A. Heinlein

"For the fanatic, the Devil is the intellectual, because the intellectual has doubts." Paul Zarifopol