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From 1557, diocesan administrators served as the prince-bishops of Magdeburg and the dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg. The administrators of Brandenburg initially held the Archbishopric of Magdeburg, and continued to do so until it was transferred to Brandenburg and Sweden (who obtained the Duchy of Bremen) in 1648/1652 .

Der älteste Herzog aus dem Haus Braunschweig war Kodirektor. Kreisobristen waren meist die braunschweigischen Herzöge, die das Amt und den Kreiskriegsrat für ihre Zwecke zu nutzen versuchten. Die Kreisversammlungen tagten zunächst meist in Halberstadt, später waren auch Braunschweig und Lüneburg Tagungsorte. Wegen ihrer abseitigen Lage veranstalteten Goslar, Mühlhausen und Nordhausen teilweise gesonderte Konferenzen. Eine Einteilung nach Bänken, etwa der geistlichen oder weltlichen Stände, existierte nicht.

WPFC/HRE introduction


Welcome, Xuxalliope, to the Holy Roman Empire task force! You have just become part of an editorial group that focuses on improving Wikipedia's coverage of Holy Roman Empire articles. Thank you for already adding the ((User WPFC/HRE)) template to your userpage. We have recognized your support with a Green tickY before your name on the task forces's members list!

I welcome and thank you again, Xuxalliope, for joining this task force,

WPFC subprojects




Hello (User:Kevlar67, User:Termer, User:Paedia), you are one of the 3 current active members of the Subdivisions bureau. Members are considered inactive if their last contribution to Wikipedia has been over 6 months ago. There is a current discussion going on concerning the merging of some of the WPFC's subprojects due to the overlap and relative inactivity of those currently extant. Please respond to me soon with your support of or opposition to the creation of a single Subdivisions task force. The current three subprojects that will be merged are the Subdivisions bureau, the AH subdivisions work group (parts of which are already covered by the Austria-Hungary task force), and the Former subdivisions work group. Thank you,



Hello (User:LordAmeth), you are the only current active member of the GOV task force. Members are considered inactive if their last contribution to Wikipedia has been over 6 months ago. There is a current discussion going on concerning the merging and removal of some of the WPFC's subprojects due to the overlap and relative inactivity of those currently extant. Please respond to me soon with your support of or opposition to the merging of a single Extraordinary governments task force, or the removal of the two. The current two subprojects that will be merged or removed are the Special task force, and the GOV task force. Thank you,



Hello (User:Shadowy Sorcerer), you are the only current active member of the Chinese task force. Members are considered inactive if their last contribution to Wikipedia has been over 6 months ago. There is a current discussion going on concerning the merging and removal of some of the WPFC's subprojects due to the overlap and relative inactivity of those currently extant. Please respond to me soon with your support of or opposition to the merging of a single Chinese task force, or the removal of the two. The current two subprojects that will be merged or removed are the Regions bureau, and the Chinese task force. Thank you,



Hello (User:John K, User:Kusma, User:OwenBlacker, User:RobNS, User:Laurinavicius, User:Auntieruth55, User:smf77, User:Nicosia1, User:Hutcher, User:LeftAire), you are one of the 10 current active members of the

Subdivisions bureau. Members are considered inactive if their last contribution to Wikipedia has been over 6 months ago. There is a current discussion going on concerning the merging of some of the WPFC's subprojects due to the overlap and relative inactivity of those currently extant. Please respond to me soon with your support of or opposition to the creation of a single Subdivisions task force. The current three subprojects that will be merged are the Subdivisions bureau, the AH subdivisions work group (parts of which are already covered by the Austria-Hungary task force), and the Former subdivisions work group. Thank you,




