Ultimate Edition is an operating system based on the Ubuntu Linux operating system, a Debian based distribution. The goal of Ultimate Edition is increased usability and ease of use for new Linux users while providing the tools needed for advanced users. Ultimate Edition has been tweaked to have better hardware support, namely wireless support out of the box. The creator aims for a better user experience out of the box.


Ultimate Edition started off as Ubuntu Christmas Edition. Due to the popularity of Christmas edition, TheeMahn created Ubuntu Ultimate 1.1. Ubuntu Ultimate is Ubuntu (a Debian based distribution) with tons of additional software pre-installed and ready for use even in the live CD/DVD environment. Ubuntu Ultimate came standard with the codecs needed to play various proprietary media formats, including Mp3 support. Ubuntu Ultimate 1.2 was released shortly after 1.1 with new software and support for dual core processors. To answer the call of gamers, TheeMahn then built Ubuntu Ultimate Gamers Edition. Gamers Edition came with many of the best games for Linux.

On Oct 18, 2007, TheeMahn received an e-mail from Canonical demanding that the use of the Ubuntu logo and name stop. The reason was that Ubuntu Ultimate had become to different from Ubuntu and that continued use of the name and logo may damage the Ubuntu Project. Ubuntu Ultimate then became Ultimate Edition.


Ubuntu Ultimate comes with the GNOME desktop environment, but special releases have KDE, XFCE, and many other desktop environments that can be selected before logging in.

Features and Tools

Ultimate Edition includes all the features of Ubuntu with enhanced usability. Many tools have been added for new and advanced users. Ultimate Edition comes pre-installed with the latest versions of the included software. The Ultimate repo also includes the latest updates, as well as software that is not included in the Ubuntu repos.

The creator of Ultimate Edition has included new Nautilus scripts that he programmed. These scripts are only available on Ultimate Edition.

GDM Maker is a Nautilus script that automates the process of making GDM themes.

Usplash Maker is a Nautilus script that automates the process of making Usplash themes.

Upgrade Icon is a script written to make it easier to install many programs including licensed programs such as Flash, Java, and Google Earth. It is accessible as an icon on the users desktop. Future versions will not have the Upgrade Icon but will come with a new program called Ultamatix.

Ultamatix is a program based off of Automatix that automates the install of harder to install software. It includes games, desktop environments, scripts, codecs, and much more. Automatix was discontinued, but taken over by the creator of Ultimate Edition. The code has been re-written so that it causes less problems with upgrades that the original Automatix was blamed for. It can also be downloaded for use on any Ubuntu 8.04 based distro.

Specialized Editions

Ultimate Edition 64bit: Ultimate Edition 64bit is for use for only 64bit processors.

Gamers Ultimate Edition Gamers comes pre-installed with a ton of the best games for Linux. Some games require a license agreement and can be installed with the use of the Ultimate Upgrade program.

Other Some older versions of Ultimate Edition came with the option to choose between many different desktop environments.

Comparison with Ubuntu

Ultimate Edition is based on Ubuntu but should not be confused with or be considered Ubuntu. The major difference between the two is that Ultimate Edition has it's own repository that contains restricted multimedia drivers as well as packages that require license acceptance to install. This goes against the Ubuntu philosophy (Free as in speech). Ultimate Edition can not install restricted multimedia codecs by default due to US laws, but makes installing these codecs and applications easy post installation with use of the upgrade icon or with Ultamatix without the need to add new repositories. The Ultimate repos also contain newer package updates on many packages than the Ubuntu repos.


Some reviews have pointed out that this OS may be bloated and may run slower than a standard Ubuntu installation. Some reviews have also pointed out that the launcher in the Applications menu for Gourmet Recipe Manager does not work.





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