

Hello AJ44, and welcome to Wikipedia! My user name is Red Thunder, and I have been on Wikipedia for over a year. I noticed some of your contributions, and would like to tell you that you're off to a great start. Anyways, I've come to ask you if you would like to participate in Wikipedia's Adopt-a-User program, in which experienced users help out new ones through one-on one questions. Please leave me a message on my talk page if you are interested in this. Here's some things I suggest you read or get involved with during your time here.

Remember, if you want to be part of Adopt-A-User, or have any questions a all, just leave me a message on my talk page. Expect a quick response, usually within a day. Enjoy your time here, and happy editing! RedThunder 00:03, 30 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Changing the Who tag on Disney Channel[edit]

I have reverted this. "Such as old fans" is inappropriate in this case, because there is not a clear description on who the old fans are. Something like this would need a reference. I mistakenly marked your edit as vandalism (which is wasn't, but simply a misunderstanding). Please accept my apologies, and feel free to modify the tag once you have a proper reference for it. --(GameShowKid)--(talk)--(evidence)-- 04:16, 4 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]