Seems you and I need to come to a consensus on List of U.S. Marine Corps acronyms and expressions‎.

Now, I understand that some of the vulgarities you've been removing aren't really USMC or even military specific terms. However, they are VERY prevalent in the military, especially recruit training. I'm not sure where you are from, but they are terms I've heard for the first time at Parris Island, and a lot of recruits and Marines I've been speaking to are in the same boat. Search results show they don't show up anywhere else within wikipedia or wiktionary. Google searches haven't really yielded a whole heck of a lot about the terms' etymologies, and I'm even starting to suspect that maybe a few of them origionated within the bowels of the crusty-old drill instructor/drill sergeant community and spread out from there. The only other place I have ever found any of those terms mentioned is in books about Marine boot camp.

Point is, they are uncommon enough that the definitions aren't found anywhere within any of the wikimedia projects. They terms fall under the scope of the list. I feel that removing them from the list detracts from its value and thus hurts wikipedia. bahamut0013 12:50, 8 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I guess my thing with Donkey Dick is that the term describes about thirty distinct items now... What I meant was not "where it began" but "what was the origional definition", meaning what was the first thing to be called Donkey Dick? I wouldn't give a specific definition unless we can prove which one was the first. Without that, I'd like to leave it vague. Your listed search results are cool, but two of them are from site crawlers that copy eachother and wikipedia more often than not. I'd like to see something more definitive before we tell people that the spout on gas cans are the origional donkey dick (because there are so many other competing definitions).
As far as "bob for cock" goes... I dunno. Like I said, I can't find it referenced anywhere (a Google search just yields results of people using the term, not talking about it or its origin)... I would rather include it because as you said, it's not a popular term in civillian culture anymore. It is something that Marines still do indeed say, but you are correct again that even Marines have to be PC and watch what they say. I'm an inclusionist, I don't see how it could really herm to keep it in. In any case, I'll leave it to your judegement I suppose. bahamut0013 00:36, 13 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I haven't heard back from you in a while. Hope everything is OK with you. bahamut0013 15:15, 20 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]