
  • That's a hell of an accusation, and my preliminary looks show that this is completely out of context and that the text you saw was not written by Prax. I've redacted the accusation for the time being. -- Amanda (aka DQ) 16:12, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • I had changed it an hour or so ago. The email read like it was being forwarded to the target but that may simply be because of the context in which I read it -- addressed to me, not a report since no one reports such things to me. Jbh Talk 17:53, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • I decided to move the discussion here so that @Praxidicae: can respond to the accusation too. So this was not Praxidicae doing anything wrong. She was trying to get warning to Jehcohman (as noted publicly), whom @SQL: mixed up to be you. The editor who posted the blurb you saw in the email on zh-yue wiki was zh-yue:Special:貢獻/ I can independently verify that. Praxidicae was only trying to warn about the message.
Furthermore, I'm absolutely shocked that you would decide to restore an oversighted edit. That is technically grounds for an ((oversightblock)) as you still posted a potentially libelous statement, leaving Praxidicae's name involved. Be more careful about restoring oversighted edits in the future, or those blocks will show up. -- Amanda (aka DQ) 21:04, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Easy with your threats here, DeltaQuad. Your bias and favouritism is potentially debatable here, so please discuss with your fellow oversighters on whether or not this is an example of "restoring an oversight edit" before making such judgements. Let them make the call/make the warning, not you. In any case, if this was a serious matter as you seem to imply, you would be discussing all of these relevant matters privately rather than drawing additional attention on the supposedly "harassed "victim. Please stop. Alex Shih (talk) 21:18, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Alex Shih: I'm absolutely aware of what I can and cannot do. I have not issued the block, nor have I reoversighted it, and furthermore have no intention of doing so for this edit. I'm not that snappy. Also if you have an accusation that I'm WP:INVOLVED, take it to the appropriate place and provide evidence instead of casting the aspersion here. I have not raised any further attention to a matter than was already posted by Praxidicae on Jechoman's talkpage, as was linked. It's already public. -- Amanda (aka DQ) 21:31, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@DeltaQuad: Let me get this straight. So you were making an oversight blocking threat over an edit that was neither grounds for suppression nor blocking, when you explicitly said "I'm absolutely shocked that you would decide to restore an oversighted edit. That is technically grounds for an ((oversightblock)) as you still posted a potentially libelous statement". Got it. I have sent an e-mail to to ask for clarification, and I trust you will respond there. As for the other point, when dealing with genuine harassment victims, it doesn’t matter if edits are public on Wikipedia or not, isn’t it? You know this far better than I do. The purpose of suppression is to not draw further attention from what was being suppressed, but isn’t that what you were doing here. Also, the point of protecting harassment victims is to not draw any further attention to them in subsequent edits, and I am also afraid this is what you have done here, is it not? Alex Shih (talk) 22:10, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Suppression is to prevent the vast majority of people from seeing information which could otherwise cause harm, not necessarily to prevent attention from being drawn towards it. Vermont (talk) 22:45, 16 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • @Praxidicae: I accused you of nothing in the edit DeltaQuad oversighted and all I said in the forwarded email was "This email was sent to me, in error, by SQL. I do not know who it was intended for but Praxidicae looks to have pretty unclean hands in any 'stalker' situation. If it was re Ritchie33 it is germane to the ongoing dispute."

    The reason I said that is I initially received and read it as from you to me and it stayed in my mind as from you to someone. I am sorry for that but it was only sent to the admin's involved in the, in my view at the time, relevant dispute and, as I assume they did, all they needed to do is ask you about it to clear things up. The potential harm should it have been from you far outweighs a couple of admins asking you about a very stalkery attempt to intimidate someone.

    After reading the email from a different perspective and this little bit of unneeded drama from DeltaQuad, it is clear the message did not originate from you. Jbh Talk 13:37, 17 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

You do realize my comment was specifically about your on-wiki accusation, not whatever you sent via e-mail, right? There was a direct and blatant accusation there. That is what is being discussed, which is in absolutely no way a reflection of my behavior here or anywhere else. Not to mention, it's silly to believe that an administrator would send you a threatening message on behalf of an actual abuser. I would just like for the air to be clear here, what was said here and elsewhere has absolutely nothing to do with me nor should anyone believe as much. Thanks. Praxidicae (talk) 13:58, 17 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I sent material, I mistakenly believed you had some hand in -- the closing comment from the person who forwarded it was "Creepy stuff. My understanding is that emergency@ has been notified. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance." which left me with the impression that the the reciepient was the target and I assumed, incorrectly you were the source. Take that as you will, I am informing you of my state of mind because you questioned it, not debating it -- I provided that material to the involved admins. In the interest of transparency I left a note saying what I had done and why I had done it. I got a reply from one of those admins that said "It’s worth mentioning that we have reason to believe the contents were directed at Praxidicae and not authored by her" Note: The reply was not "Praxidicae did not write this" which I take as a strong indication that my initial view was not completely off-the-wall or even unreasonable in the context then available.

I then edited my comment to indicate the author was unclear, hit save and left the computer. I came back later, saw it had edit conflicted; copied the text; re-opened the edit window; pasted it; hit save; and went about my day. I returned to this overblown shitshow.

I am sorry I misinterpreted the situation. The content and my then belief left me with a duty of care to pass it on since I, at the time, had reason to suspect there was more than met the eye was going on in the current Richie33 matter. I am glad it was not you

Could I get a copy of this email please? I have been tracking this perpetrator for months and working with T&S resolve the problems they've caused innocent users. I'd like to see what it says and then make use of it in the investigation. Jehochman Talk 00:52, 17 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

@Jehochman: I will forward it to you. Jbh Talk 13:37, 17 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • I will also admit that I failed to inform you here or there (though I would have done it here) that the edit had been oversighted. I was doing that initially to not draw attention to it, that said, I definitely could of informed you here about it. I did not think of that at the time and for that I apologize. It also did not give you a clear picture of the status of that edit, making it hard for you to understand you would have been restoring such an edit. Therefore, I view my comment now as unwarranted, and I withdraw my initial statement about this triggering an oversightblock. -- Amanda (aka DQ) 08:30, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • @DeltaQuad: Thank you. I see no need to take this any further, you have done all I could ask or properly expect and I appreciate that very much. I do understand your concern with that edit and, until this blew up on my talk page I had assumed you had simple]y ((redacted)) it ie removed material by normal editing. In that case I figured it would be more proper for me to change what I had written to reflect my new understanding of the situation rather than allow my assertion to stand, keeping the inaccurate implication that what I had written was correct, just not proper to say.

    I believe strongly in positively, not passively, correcting my errors be they in fact or in behavior. Thank you for addressing and correcting yours. That leaves me with a stronger positive impression than any negative feeling the initial issue evoked. Enjoy your weekend. Jbh Talk 11:59, 19 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]


Regarding these edits]: I understand what you meant to say, but consider the literal meaning of I consider her a loss as an admin. It unfortunately means you think someone's tenure as an admin was a loss. But not sure it's worth doing anything about, now that the discussion is closed... isaacl (talk) 21:43, 21 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I hope my sentiment was clear in context even though my syntax was off. Jbh Talk 02:22, 22 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]